I get to be the one

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Dorothy grabbed Jessica's cheeks in her palms and turned her face to hers.

"Jessica, listen to me!  You don't want this!  If you passed, Autumn wouldn't have a mother!"

"Megan can be her mother.  I want to go!" Jessica cries.

"STOP IT!  YOU are her mother! She can't lose you and Simba. You're going to be okay, Jessica."

".. But my baby boy is all alone." Jessica's sobs become silent.

"He's not alone. My mother and father are there. Aunt Sue and uncle Tim are there. All of our family that has gone before us is watching over him for you, baby. Baby Simba is in good hands, and he will never ever leave you."


The bleeding was able to be stopped. After getting cleaned up, they were taken to the other side of the hospital so they didn't have to hear other babies crying at night. Jessica was very thankful for that.

Both Danny and Jessica were happy they were able to have one night with Simba.

Now that they were situated in their room, Jessica called Sam. She was so worried for Autumn. She didn't know how she's react to seeing him.

When she walked in, she looked so nervous. She played with her hands and walked slow towards the bed.

"Hi Autumn." Danny spoke in a low voice.

"Is that him?" She points.

"Yeah, you want to see him? He's so cute! Chubby just like we thought." Jessica chuckles softly.

Danny helped her up onto the bed.
"Woah.. look at his dark hair!" Autumn smiles at Jessica.

"I know! All those dark curls!" Jessica smiles and plays with his hair.

"Can I touch him?" She asks.

"Of course!"

Autumn softly caressed his chubby cheek.
She then looked up to her mother and asked, "Why does he look like he has purple lipstick on?"

Jessica looked at Danny. She has tried so hard to be strong in front of Autumn, but she knew this would be where she lost it.

"His lips are that color because.. he stopped breathing in my tummy, and.."

"It's okay, don't cry!" Autumn places her hand on Jessica's shoulder.

She then sits down and smiles. "Can I hold him?"

"Of course. Be very careful. His skin is very delicate."


Jessica hands the baby to his big sister while Danny takes pictures and videos.

Autumn leans forward and kisses his plumped lips.

Jessica's face slightly scrunched as tears began falling.

"I love you baby Simba. You're SO cute! I knew you would be. Mommy, remember I said he would be so cute?" Autumn looks up to Jessica.

"You did, baby! You knew!" Jessica smiles and wipes her tears.


Jessica was holding the baby in her arms, Autumn cuddled into her side, and Danny sat in front of her with his guitar.
The three of them sang different songs to the little baby.

"Danny, play You are my Sunshine." Autumn smiled leaning forward and softly touching the baby.

"Alright, you girls know what to do. This one is extra special just for you, Simba." Danny said.

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