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June 27th.
14 weeks pregnant.

Danny watched Jessica as she looked in the mirror making sure her bump was concealed.

"Babe, when can we tell everyone?  You're already showing."

"I don't feel comfortable doing that yet. Plus this is mostly just left from Sim."

"I think we should at least tell Autumn."

"No! No Danny, I don't want to tell anyone yet."

"Why not? Jess, what happened with Simba is not going to happen with this baby."

"You don't know that!  I won't feel comfortable until this baby is in my arms, Daniel."

"We can't hide it forever."

"Will you just give me time? Jesus Christ!  I just lost a baby, I'm not ready to tell anyone yet!" Jessica says storming out of the room.


Danny soon left to work, leaving Jessica and Autumn alone.

"What are we doing today, Mommy?" Autumn asks.

"Well what do you want to do, Princess?"

"I want to go shopping!"

"My girl!" Jessica giggles.

"I need new big girl clothes!"

"Oh I see." Jessica nods.
"Well I think a little shopping would be fun!"

"Let's shop till we drop, mommy!"

"Sounds like a plan!" Jessica laughs.


Jessica found a few oversized blouses to hide her growing belly, and some new comfy shoes for work.
Autumn on the other hand was spoiled rotten.
Jessica felt that she's been through a lot lately and that she deserved a few treats.

"Oh man! I'm about ready for some lunch and a nap, mommy!" Autumn said.

"Lunch and a nap? Sounds good to me!" Jessica giggles.

Jessica took her to lunch then back home like she asked.
During lunch Sam text Jessica asking if the three of them wanted to join him, Megan and Landon for dinner.

Jessica agreed and figured she'd ask Danny later.

"Can I nap with you, mommy?"

"Sure, Princess."

Autumn cuddled into Jessica and held her belly.

"It feels like he's still in there, mommy. Isn't that weird?"

"Heh.. that is strange, baby."


Jessica rubbed Autumn's back and smiled down when she started softly rubbing her bump.


Jessica woke first and decided to call Danny.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey baby, Sam called."

"Yeah? Why?"

"He wanted know if we wanted to go to dinner tonight—"

"For what?"

"Just to catch up. I told him we would be there."

"Well you should've asked first. I'm working late."

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