His stroller

141 13 6

Three weeks later.

Jessica is now back home and trying her best to get back into her normal routine.

Things have not been the same between Danny and Jessica since the passing of their son.
Jessica has slept with Autumn most nights, and has avoided Simba's room at all costs.

Danny has noticed so he decided to do something he felt would be nice for Jessica.
He went into the room and started packing things away and taking apart his crib.

Jessica heard him and went to see what all the noise was.  She was not very happy at what she saw.

"What are you doing?!"

"I thought I'd take his crib down.  It might be best."

"Don't touch any of his things!"

"I'm sorry, I just thought I'd help—"

"This is helping No One!  Leave everything alone!" She yells.

"Alright, I'm sorry!  Geez, I didn't know!  You can't even pass the room without crying, I thought you'd be happy I did this."

"I don't know what happy is anymore, Daniel." Jessica says with zero emotion.

"I'm sorry.." Danny looks down just before Jessica walks over to Simba's unopened stroller.

"Oh what I would give to push him around in this.." she softly places her hand on the box.


"Will you put it together for me?"

"The stroller?"

"Yeah." Jessica turns to him with tears in her eyes.

"Of course."

"Thank you." Jessica sniffled and walked out of the room.

"Mommy, will you please help me with my homework?" Autumn walks up to her.

"Sure, baby girl."

Jessica went to Autumn's room and Danny started putting the stroller together.

He put it together fairly quickly then snuck into Autumn's room.

He knocks lightly on the door and both girls look up.

"Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to let you know I put everything back and the stroller is up."

"Thank you."

"No problem.  I uh, I just got a call and I have to run into work for a while."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, they just need me.  I'll be back."

That answer did not set well with Jessica.
Where was he going?  He was he going with?
She was upset but didn't say anything.

"Alright, well be careful."

"I will." Danny walks over to kiss Jessica but she turns her face and he gets her hair.

Danny then stands up and smiles at Autumn.
"Study hard, Auttie."

"I will." She smiles.

Jessica looks down and ignores Danny.
Once he's gone they finish up homework.

"Thanks for helping me, Mommy.."

"You're welcome, my love.
.. You okay?" Jessica asks softly playing with her golden hair.

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