She sees him

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That evening came and it wasn't any different than every other evening.  The girls still needed tending to.

"I don't even have a real bed!  I should have gone home with my dad."

"Oh Autumn, don't pout!  You have a mattress." Jessica smiles.

"Why do we have to move?"

"Honey, you know why.  Danny got a really good job offer.. it's better for us."

"But I'll miss my friends."

"We'll still visit. And they can come see us!"

"They won't want to do that!"

"Of course they will, baby."

"..I'll miss my daddy."

"I know but you'll see him Friday."

"It won't be the same.."

"Baby girl.."

Autumn then covered herself and turned the other way. "Honey.. please don't be upset."

"I'm just sleepy.."

Jessica kissed her temple and softly brushed her hair out of her face. "This will be good."

"We don't even have a house yet.  We'll be back in an apartment."

"It's only temporary.  In a few months we'll be in a house."


"I promise it'll be fine, honey."

"Okay." Autumn sighs.

After tucking her in she went back to the bedroom.
"She's sleeping!" Danny whispers and points to the bassinet in the corner.

Jessica smiles and quickly checks on the baby before tiptoeing to the bed.

Danny grabs her arm and roughly pulls her to the bed.  Jessica quietly giggles as Danny climbs over her.

Danny kisses her lips then moves to her neck.
Jessica bites her bottom lip and lays her head to the side allowing him more access.

"How do you want it, Mrs. Huston?"

"Mrs. Huston!  Ooh I love the way that sounds!" Jessica giggles.

"How do you want it?" He asks once again.

"Rough, daddy!"

Danny smiles and starts ripping her dress off.

"Ah!" Jessica squeals.
Danny quickly covers her mouth with his hand to keep her from waking the baby.

"Shhh!  She's sleeping!" He whispers with a small chuckle escaping him.

"Oppsie!  Sorry, I just got a little excited."

Danny chuckles and continues what he was doing.


The next morning.

Jessica walked to the nursery.
A nursery that was made for both Simba and Julia.

Julia slept with her parents since birth so beside nap time, this room remained empty.

Jessica walked around the room with tears in her eyes.  She didn't want to leave this house.
She worked very hard for this house.
Unfortunately she didn't have a choice.

"Oh Simba.. mommy doesn't want to leave.
I know you're with me wherever I am.. but I feel like I'm leaving you.  This is your room and I'm leaving it!"

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