Goodbye Sam

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"Yes, Autumn?"

"What I going to where to school tomorrow?"

"Well, mommy bought you some super cute clothes yesterday! You can pick from any of these."

"Oh me like da lellow one!"

"That would look just beautiful on you! Especially since you have a nice little tan from when you went to the beach with daddy."

"I go to da beach with daddy and Megan!" Autumn smiles.

"I know.." Jessica smiles softly.

Megan is Sam's girlfriend. The two have been together for a year now.

"Do you like Megan, baby?"

"Yeah, mommy!"

"Yeah? She's pretty, huh?"


"Is she nice to you?"

"Yeah! Hers lub me!" Autumn hugs herself with her chubby little arms.

"That's so sweet!
.. Is she nice to daddy?"

"Yeah! Hers always kissing daddy."

"Oh.. that's nice." Jessica chuckles softly.


"Sowy no body kisses you, mommy!"

Jessica lets out a laugh. "Baby girl, the only kisses I need are yours."

Autumn looks up and makes a funny face. She then puckers her lips and points.

"These kisses?" She asks.

"Yes, those kisses!" Jessica laughs, grabbing her and giving her kisses.

"Ahhh! Mommy! Mommy!!"


The next morning Jessica made Autumn a delicious breakfast before school.

Once they arrived, they were met with Sam.

"Daddy! Daddy! It's you! You here, daddy!" Autumn jumps up and down.

"I'm here! Of course I'm here! I wouldn't miss my baby girls' first day of school!"

"Daddy!" Autumn giggles.


"Megan is at work."

"Oh!  See mommy?" Autumn smiles and points to Jessica.

"Hi mommy!" Sam smiles.

"Heh!  Hello Sam.  How are you?"

"Great!  Hey, Meg and I are having a get together on Saturday.  You two better be there!"

"A party!!" Autumn cheers.

"Yeah, a party!  You can bring someone if you want, Jess.  The more the merrier!"

"Bring someone?  Yeah!  Yeah, I-I have someone to bring!" Jessica says nervously scratching the back of her neck.

"Perfect!  It's a special one so I want my best friend and my favorite girl there."

Jessica smiles softly.  She loved how close she and Sam were.  She was very blessed for the friendship they have.

Autumn's first day of school went better than Sam and Jessica expected.  She already made a few friends, and she absolutely loved her teacher.
Autumn's bubbly personality was so unlike her parents, the two thought it was funny how outgoing their daughter was.

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