Help me remember!

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Jessica pulls away breathlessly.
"Sam, wait!  Wait, I have to tell you something!"

"What is it?"

"I have something really really important to tell you."


"I don't know how you're going to handle this but.."

"Jessica, what is it?"

Jessica places her hand over her face as she cries hard.
"This is supposed to be a happy moment and it's not! It's not a happy moment!" She sobs.

"Jessica, talk to me! What's wrong?"

"Everything!  Because of that man everything is ruined!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The reason you're in here Sam is because of my ex husband."


"Yes.. he took Julia from her school.. we searched for them for hours!  When we finally found her, you and Danny got into it and.. he hurt you really badly.."


"I'm so sorry, honey!"

"It's okay.. did I hurt him at all?"

Jessica chuckles and grabs his arm. "You did, honey!"

"What were you talking about before?  Why is it supposed to be a happy time?"

Jessica releases her grip on his arm and runs her hand through her hair.


".. I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes.  I found out two days before this all happened, and I was planning on telling you in such a cute way!  Then he ruined it.." Jessica looks down as tears roll down her cheeks.

"I seriously thought I was going to lose you so.. when you were in the coma, I placed your hand on my belly and I told you that we were expecting a little baby.. I thought that when you woke up you could celebrate with me.. But then.." Jessica sniffles.

"And I'm sorry if this is weird.  I mean, you barely even know me!" Jessica sobs.
"You don't want to hear that you're having another baby with a woman you don't even care about!"

"Jessica, calm down.. Please, calm down. You're going to hurt yourself.  I do care about you.  You've helped me so much!"

"But you used to love me!  We've been through so much more than just this, Sam!"

"I'm sorry.  I wish I could remember.."

"You loved me more than anyone has ever loved me.  EVER!"

Sam looks at Jessica, and can't help but hurt for her.

"Having a baby it supposed to be a happy time! I just wanted to tell you in a cute way, and be happy! Nothing ever goes how I plan.  I planned to be with you forever, and we broke up.  I planned to be with Danny forever and he left me.... and when things were finally going right.. when life was amazing!  Like a dream.... this happens.. and I lose you again."

"I'm still here, Jess."

"But our journey isn't."

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