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"Evie!  Baby girl, is today your first Christmas?"

"Evie!  Baby girl, is today your first Christmas?"

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"Uh Oh!  Where did Evie go?!"

"Ah!  Dada?!" Evangeline fusses and kicks her legs.

Jessica laughs and lifts her hat up.

"You get scared and call for Dada?  What?!  What about mommy?  What about mommy?!" Jessica tickles her making her giggle uncontrollably.

Evangeline then falls backwards and starts crying for her father.

"Ahhhh! Dadaaaaa! DADA!" She screams.

"Oh my goodness! Sam!"

"What's wrong?"

"The Princess wants you." Jessica picks her up and hands her to Sam.


"Hi, baby!" He smiles.

Evangeline smiles and slaps her hands her hands on Sam's face.

"She is such a daddy's girl!"

"Yes she is!"

"Mommy!" Theodore runs to Jessica.

"And he is a momma's boy!" Sam says.

"Yes he is! Come here, my little bitty man!"

"Mama! I-I-I wan uh uh uh pu-puppyyyy!"

"You want a puppy?"

"YA!" He claps his hands and nods his head.

"Well you're getting a baby brother or sister instead!  How fun is that?!"

"Me wan puppy ma-mama!" Theodore pouts.

"Aw Jess! Look at his face! Let's get him a puppy!"

"What? Sam!" Jessica laughs. "No!"

"I'll work on it, Theo. Don't worry." Sam smiles.

"Work on it? Oh what are you gonna do?"

"Hey, I know how to make you change your mind!" He playfully nudges her.

"Oh gosh!" Jessica laughs and shakes her head.

"Daddy's crazy! Say daddy's crazy, Teddy!"

"Daddy Cwazyyyyyyyy!"

"What?! Oh Theodore!"

"Dada!" He laughs and and reaches for him.

"No, you're with mama! I want my Teddy cuddles!" Jessica hugs him.

"No! Stop, stop!"

"Theodore! You don't want mommy to hug you?"

Theodore looks at Jessica and smiles.

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