I will take your pain

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Thursday- July 25th.

"Mommy, I don't want to see daddy!" Julia cries as Jessica slips on a pair of leggings.

"I know honey, and I am so so sorry!  I know you don't understand it now, but it's best if you go see him for a couple hours.. Mommy will be there too, and promise I won't leave you and Theo."

Danny has been asking to see the kids so, Jessica is taking Julia and Theodore to see him for a couple hours.  She was afraid if she didn't give in, he would turn to the court, and that was something Jessica definitely did not want to happen.

"Is baby sister gonna come too?"

"No baby.  She and Autumn are going to spend the day with their daddy."

Julia pouts and looks down.
"Their daddy loves them.."

"Honey.." Jessica's heart broke for her baby girl.
"Your daddy loves you too!"

"No.  Not like theirs.  Shammy loves me more than my daddy does.  My daddy left me.. my daddy was mean.  I don't like him no more." Julia nods her head.

"Baby girl.."

"But I'll go." She sighs.

"I'll go and if he's mean, I'm leavin!"

"Fair enough."

Jessica then grabbed her purse and the diaper bag.
She kissed the girls and Sam before leaving.

"Hey! Juju and Theo! How are you two?"

"Mommy's right there. You can say hello." Julia says giving her father attitude, and pointing to her mother.

"Hello, Jessica."


"You both have gotten so big!"

"Yeah, we gwow when you no see us a lot."

"Ooh! Feisty." Danny chuckles.

"Buddy, can I have a hug?"

Theodore looks at Danny before hiding his face behind Jessica's leg.

"Tell me what's new with you guys!"

"Well my baby sister is talking a lot more now! Not words. Just baby noises! And she smiles and laughs! And eats mommy's boobies all the time!"

"I see. Well anything happening with you two?"

"No." Julia gives him a look.

"But umm.. mommy and Sham are getting married." Julia smiles.

"Well I didn't ask about them. Why don't you answer the question I asked?"

"Daniel!" Jessica gives him a look.

"Yeah Mister! Jus be happy I Here! I no even like you!"

"Juju, I'm your dad!"

"Hm! Act like it." She shrugs.

"Oop!" Jessica's eyes widen and she covers her mouth.


One week later.

"Are you ready, Landon? We have a very important question to ask a very special lady."

"I'm ready, daddy!" Landon gives his father a thumbs up.

Even though Jessica proposed to him, he told her he had something very special planned for her.
So, tonight during a family dinner at Jessica's parents' Sam and Landon are going to pop the question.

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