All I need

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That evening Jessica called Danny and let him have it.

"Hello? Make it fast, I have to put Daniel to bed."

"No! You will listen to me until I am finished, Daniel!"

"What do you want?"

"I Want to tell you that you will never watch your kids again! The stories I have heard make me sick, and I cannot believe I ever loved you! You're a sorry excuse for a father. You're a sorry excuse for a man!
Sam and I will get full custody over these kids, and we will make sure you will never hurt them again!"

"Whatever, Jessica. I'll fight you for those kids!
I won't have that asshole raising my kids."

"Why? You don't even care about them! You never have! You at least fake it with Julia, but Theodore?
Daniel, you hate him!" Jessica cries.

"He's our son, how can you be this way with him?"

".. Jess, I saw Simba. He looked perfect. I have a son, and he is how I picture Simba would be."

Jessica scoffs and says, "Don't compare him to My Angel!"

Danny continues.
"Theodore is deaf.. he can barely see. He looks nothing like me. For all I know, he's Sam's as well!
I just don't feel a connection."

"Wow.. and you want full custody? You're fucking insane. And how dare you use his hearing and sight against himThat's what makes him Him!
And it doesn't make him any different than any other child!"

"I still want them." Is all Danny said.

"Why? Because you don't want Sam to raise them?
Because you can't take knowing that they will call Him Dad, and Not You?!" Jessica said in a gravelly voice.

"You don't even Dare to call them yours!
Giving sperm doesn't make you a father!"

Jessica paused as tears rolled down her face.
"I didn't see it.. so many people told me not to be with you, but I thought you were the most amazing man. I loved you so much.. but now..
Now looking back, I was so upset that Sam was married.  I wanted to love someone as much as he loved Megan.. I wanted to fall in love all over again!  I wanted it so badly that I was blind to everything you did wrong.
I didn't see what you truly were.  I mean starting when I was pregnant with Simba.  You didn't care about him.. not until he was gone.." Jessica says in a shaky voice.

".... I gave you three beautiful children. And many years of love.. all for this?
.... as much as I HATE you, I want to thank you for leaving me. Now I see how stupid I was for leaving Sam. The one person who has NEVER hurt me!

The divorce papers are in the mail..
Sign them as soon as you receive them.. because I am going to marry the man I have loved since I was fifteen."

And with that Jessica hung up.
She then took deep breaths before walking out of the room and finding Sam.

He was sitting at his desk in his office when Jessica walked over and straddled him.

"Hey, babe. How'd it g—" Jessica cuts Sam off by kissing his lips.


Jessica then pulls away and says, "Marry me, Sam?"

"Marry you?"

Jessica nods as tears roll down her cheeks.
"Yes!  I love you so much.. I always have.
Please!  Marry me."

Sam smiles and kisses her lips.
The kiss intensifies and Jessica pulls away.

"Wait, is that a yes?" She asks.

Sam chuckles. "Yes!"

Jessica giggles and wraps her arms around him.

"But babe.."


"I was gonna ask you next month. I had it all planned out.  I even have a ring!" He smiles.

"Aw, really?!"


"Well do it anyway!"

"Why?" He laughs.

"It'll still be special!  I want to see what you have planned." Jessica smiles.

"Okay. I'll still do it. But, we're engaged? Like right now! We're engaged?" He smiles.

Jessica bites her bottom lip and nods her head.
"We're engaged!"


Jessica laughs and kisses him once again.
She then pulls her lips away from his and asks, "Can I see the ring?"

"No!  You wait till I propose, stinky!"

"Hey I'm not stinky!" Jessica pouts.

"Just a little bit, but it's okay!"

"HEY!" She pinches his arm.

"Ow!  Oh and, Question!"


"When you propose you're supposed to put a ring on the other person.. right?" Sam clears his throat and wiggles his fingers as he makes a face that makes Jessica laugh.

"I didn't have time, I just did it!"

Sam chuckles and holds her waist.
"I'm just playing, Button." He lightly taps his finger on her nose.

"All I need is you.
For the rest of my life all I'll ever need is you."

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