The Tea

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After stopping at the store for the tea, Jessica and Sam pick Evangeline up from Sarah's.

"Thank you for watching our little handful, Sarah."

"Of course!  What did the doctor say?"

"Well.. pretty much that this little booty is not ready!"

"Aw, I'm sorry.."

"It's okay!  My Sammy told me about this tea I'm going to try!" Jessica smiles.

"A tea?  Does it work?"

"What I've read on the internet, Yes!" Sam says.

"Oh nice!"

"Yep!  So after we get back from picking the kids up from school, we're gonna try it."

"Cool!  You better have your baby sitters on standby in case it works."

"We will!  I hope it works!  I just want this little Shepard here!" Jessica rubs her belly.

"Oh shit!  I forgot!"


"We need someone to drive us to the hospital!"

"Oh yeah!  How'd we forget to get a driver?" Sam makes a funny face.

"I don't know!"

"I can drive y'all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's not a problem!"

"Thank you so much!  We owe you!"

"Those baby cuddles are all I need!" Sarah smiles.


That evening after dinner Jessica made her raspberry tea and started drinking it.

"Okay babes, showers and off to bed, okay?"

"Okay, mama!" Theodore smiles sweetly.

"What is that, momma?  It looks good!" Autumn points to Jessica's tea.

"It's pretty good!  It's raspberry tea, and it's supposed to induce labor!  So hopefully little man, or little lady will be here or on their way when you wake up in the morning!"

"I hope so!" Autumn gets excited.

"Me too!" Jessica smiles.

"Well good luck!" Autumn kisses her cheek, then her belly.

"Thanks, baby girl!  If it does work and daddy and I have to head to the hospital, your aunt will come over and take you all to school in the morning."

"Okay!  Sounds good!" She smiles.


1 hour later.

"Woah!  I wasn't expecting things to feel this intense so soon!"

"Do you want me to call Sarah and Ann?" Sam asks.

Jessica nods her head as she breathes deeply.

"Okay.  Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine.  Just call, I'm gonna go change."

"Okay, shout if you need me."

Jessica nods and walks into the bathroom.


Jessica quickly took a shower, then changed into a dress, and pulled her hair up.

Sam then let himself into the bathroom to check on her.

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