He's Back

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"Just ordered the food. You need help in here?"

"No, I've got it. You go rest." Jessica says, standing at the sink, washing dishes.

Sam then walks up behind her and places his hands on her belly.
He places the front of his body, on the back of hers, and places soft kisses on her neck.

Jessica giggles and lays her head to the side.

"You smell so good." Sam says.

"No I don't! I'm all sweaty! Are you crazy?"

"I might be."

Jessica laughs and turns to him. She wraps her arms around the back of his neck, and stares deep into his eyes.

"You are so beautiful." Sam smiles.

"You think so?" Jessica smiles cutely.

"Mhm! I can't believe you're even with me."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because you're so hot!"

"Oh stop!" Jessica blushes.
"You're sexy.. how could I not be totally crazy about you?
.. It's been so hard keeping my hands off of you all these months.
  I've been so horny, Sammy!" Jessica pouts.

"Aw, I'm sorry!" Sam baby talks, and pinches her nose.

"Oh!" Jessica cries.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No! You just.. you always used to play with my nose.. it's the first time you've done it in a long time, and it just made me happy.."

"Aw.." Sam kisses Jessica's nose and she bawls.

"I'm too pregnant for this!" She sobs, laying her head on Sam's chest as she hugs him tightly.

"It's okay, Jess.." Sam rubs her back.

"I just miss being this close to you.  You have no idea how hard it's been, Sam."

"I'm sorry.  I can't imagine what a nightmare it's been for you.."

"It's made me stronger.. everything that's happened to me in my life has only made me stronger."

"That's why you're badass!" Sam's says grabbing her butt cheeks in his hands.

"I kinda am." She says making Sam, chuckle.

Sam and Jessica stand there holding onto each other for a few minutes before Sam begins to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Jessica asks.

"We just had sex on the couch!"

"I know.  Yucky." Jessica laughs.

"And here we are naked in the kitchen!"
Just then their doorbell rang.

"And there's the Chinese delivery man!  Nice."

Jessica laughs and pats his butt.
"I'll go."

"Like that?!  NO!"

"Relax!" She laughs. "I'll just slip my underwear on, and grab your shirt.  It's fine!"

After taking the food, Jessica closes the door and says, "That man totally knew I just had sex!  Isn't that great?!"

"Amazing!" Sam couldn't help but laugh.


"Are you full?"

"Stuffed!" Jessica sighs and rubs her bump.

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