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3 months later.

Today is the day Jessica is introducing Autumn to Danny. Jessica has mentioned him to her before, but was nervous for them to finally meet.

"Am I meeting Danny today, mommy?" Autumn asks, looking up to her mother innocently.

"You are!"

"Your boyfriiiieeeend!" Autumn hums.

"Autumn!" Jessica laughs.

"Have you kissed him?"

"Oh Autumn!"

"Well have ya?!"

Jessica smirks. "....Yes I have."

Autumn gasps and nods her head with a smirk on her face. "Boyfriend."

"Yes, he is my boyfriend."

"Do you loooove him?"

Jessica chuckles. "I do."

"More than me?"


"Good." She smiles.

"Let's go, silly girl." Jessica laughs.


Danny was meeting Jessica and Autumn for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

As the two were guided back to the table, Jessica held Autumn's hand and said, "If you don't feel comfortable then we can leave at any moment, okay?"


Danny stood up when seeing them come his way.

"Well hello!  Wow, you're just as pretty as your momma!"

"Thanks." Autumn cutely rolls her eyes.

Danny laughs and says, "It's very nice to meet you, Autumn!  I've heard so much about you."

"All good I hope." She smiles before taking her seat.

"Of course!" Danny laughs. "Wow, she's like a grown little lady, ain't she?"

"She sure is!" Jessica chuckles.

"She's cute.  How are you, babe?" Danny puts his arm around Jessica and kisses the top of her head.

"I'm doing well!"

"Good!  You look pretty." Danny smiles.

"Thanks!" Jessica smiles and rolls her eyes just like Autumn.

Danny and Jessica both sit down, and Danny immediately starts making conversation with Autumn.

"So Autumn, tell me about yourself."

"Uhmmm, wellll.. I'm gonna be a big sister."

"What?!" Danny looks at Jessica and widens his eyes.

Jessica laughs and kicks him under the table.  She knew he was joking.

"Kidding!  I heard about that!  Are you excited?" He smiles.

"I am!"

"Awesome!  Do you know what the baby is yet?"

"A boy! His name is gonna be Landon."


"Yeah!  Landon Cole Shepard."

"Oh what a cool name!"

"Yep!" She nods. "....I have a cool name too." She says shrugging her shoulders.

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