I know

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After delivering the after birth the doctor sewed her up.

"Ohh.. oww!"

"It's okay, we're almost finished, Jessica.  Keep your legs spread."

"It hurts!" Jessica cries as a couple of the nurses holds her legs back.

Autumn holds her face in her hands and softly caresses her thumbs on her skin.
"It's okay, momma.  Look at me." She smiles.

Jessica looks at her as tears roll down her face.

"I'm so proud of you.  I've never been so proud to call you my mom.  You are so brave, and so strong!
I hope I grow up and be just like you!"

"Aw baby girl.. I love you so much!"

"I love you more, mommy!"

Just then Sam opened the door and rushed to Jessica's side.  He heard the baby's cries and he felt terrible that he missed the birth.


"Daddy!" Autumn smiles.

"I tried so hard to get here in time, Jess.  I'm so sorry you had to do this alone.."

"How did you know?"

Sam looks at Autumn.
"I called him.  I didn't really have to tinkle!  I just took your phone and called him."


"You don't deserve this!  I'm so sorry I didn't make it in time."

"No, it's okay.. Autumn was here and she did great." Jessica smiles and takes her hand.

"I did!  Me and Juju rubbed her back just like the nurses taught us!  Oh and after I called you they came in and they.." Autumn looks at Jessica with a puzzled look.

"They broke my water."

"Yeah!  That's what it was!  All the water that was in her belly came Pouring out!"

"Wow!" Sam chuckles.

"Juju was cracking up!"

"Really?  Hah!  Hey, where is the little Princess?"

"She's in the room with a nurse.  They're bringing her back soon."

Sam nods then looks down.
"Oh Jess!  You poor thing!" He makes a painful face.

"Sam!  Stop!" Jessica laughs.

"Oh God, I've seen it plenty times before, Jess."

Autumn makes a face making both Sam and Jessica laugh.

"Oh goodness.."

Jessica chuckles and rubs her arm.

"Where's Landon?"

"I left him with my mom."

"Oh.. I'm so sorry.  Thank you for coming, Sam.  I feel bad, you have things at home to worry about."

"Jess, you said it yourself!  We're family!  When I heard I dropped everything and came as quickly as possible."

"You're so sweet."

Sam smiles softly and kisses her forehead.
Jessica then chuckles as she starts crying.

"I'm sorry my vagina is out for everyone to see!" She covers her face as it turns red.

"You're fine, sweetie." Sam laughs.

Just then a nurse walks over with the baby bundled up in her arms.

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