I'm sorry

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"I have to go now, Sammy."

"No, let's do it again!" Sam smiles and grabs her hand.

"Sam, we can't!" Jessica laughs.

"Ohhh! But I don't want you to leave.. then it'll really be over."

"Awww.." Jessica ran her hand over Sam's hair and kissed his lips.
"I love you. And I always will. Thank you for tonight."

"I'll never forget it."

"Me neither." Jessica smiles.

Sam smiles and kisses her once again.

Jessica then bent over and grabbed her clothes.


"Stop watching me!" Jessica laughs and covers her butt.

"Hey, I'm just looking!"

Jessica giggles and runs into the bathroom.


The next morning Jessica felt extremely guilty for what she had done the previous night.
All she wanted was to go home, and just get back to her regular schedule.

Danny didn't return until later that evening, but Jessica wanted to get home right away so she could start on dinner.

Early morning Jessica loaded up the car and headed home.



"What, baby boy?"

Theodore signs food, then rubs his chest.

"He sayin, Food Pees, Mama!"

"Good Juju! He did say, Food Please! You're so smart!"

"Yeah!" She nods.

"I want some food too, pees!"

"It's almost ready, love."

"YAY! Come Teo!" Julia looks down and motions for her little brother to follow her.

"Mama! Mama!" Theodore said as he crawled further into the kitchen.

"No I not mama! I Juju!"

Jessica laughs and calls Autumn to the table.
She then lifts Theodore from the ground and places him in his highchair.

Theodore smiles at Jessica and says, "Mama!"

"Teddy Bear!"

"He say more words?" Julia asks.

"He likes to say mama!" Jessica smiles.

"You say Juju, Teo! Ju- Ju!"

"Mama!" Theodore smiles and kicks his legs.

"No!" Julia laughs. "Dat wrong!"

Jessica smiles at their cuteness as she hears the front door.

"Is that Danny?"

"Daddy?! DADDY!" Julia shouts, hopping off of her chair and running to the door.

Jessica walks over and smiles. "Baby! I thought you were coming in tonight!"

"I thought so too! How are you? I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Jessica smiles and hugs him.

Danny kisses her lips and sniffs.
"Oooh, smells good!"

"It's lunch!  I was gonna cook a great big ol dinner for you!" Jessica pouts.

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