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That evening.

"Okay, she's asleep!" Sam whispers.

"You did it, daddy!"

"Heh, I did!
.. I'm just scared to put her down."

"She's gonna start screaming the moment you do." Jessica chuckles.

"I know! I'm gonna try."

"Good luck."

"Thanks! Okay.. shh, shh, shh..
She's down." Sam says in a low voice.

"Good job!" Jessica gives him a thumbs up.

Sam quietly walks to the bed and sits beside Jessica.
"What do I win?"

"A kiss!" Jessica smiles.

"Yippie!" Sam kisses her lips.

The two then lay down and cuddle up.

"Oh it feels so good being back in your arms." Jessica smiles.

"I know. I've missed this so much."

"Me too.. but no more being apart.
This is it. You and me forever."

"Forever and ever."

"Amen." Jessica smiles.


The next morning.

Sam and Jessica were exhausted from their night of feedings and diaper changes.

While Jessica fed Evangeline, Sam took a quick shower.

"Look who's out princess! It's daddy!"

"Good morning, Evangeline!"

"Say I just had breakfast, daddy!"

"Oh good! Now I just get the aftermath, huh?"

"Yes!" Jessica giggles.

"It's okay! I don't mind it. Your poppy doesn't stink yet. Not like your brother's."

Jessica laughs. "That's true!
Babe, I'm gonna go shower real quick."

"No problem, hun. Holler if you need help." He smirks.

"Hah! I will."

Sam kisses her lips then takes the baby and walks downstairs.


Jessica changed into some comfortable pants and a nursing blouse before joining her family downstairs.

"Mommy, I'm holding the baby!"

"Oh good job, Juju! You're such a good big sister!"

" I know that!"

"But where are your clothes, silly?"

"On the floor." Julia looks down to her little pile of clothes.

"Why?" Jessica laughs.

"Cause I want to be in my panties."

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