Baby Simba

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After singing to his son, Danny sat the guitar down and held Jessica's belly in his hands. He kissed it and broke down.  Usually the baby would kick and kick at his father's voice, but today was different.  Today there was not a single movement.

"I love you, Simba. And I'm so sorry if I hurt you. I love you so much, baby boy!"

Jessica placed her hands on Danny's shoulders and silently cried.  How could this possibly be happening to them?

Jessica packed so many of his little outfits.  She didn't know if she would even be able go try these clothes on him but she brought them just in case.

On the way out she took a look at his Lion King themed room as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Opening the door they were met face to face with Sam and Autumn.

"Oh!  Hi, guys!" Autumn gasps when she sees Danny holding Jessica's hospital bag and Baby Simba's diaper bag.

"He's coming!  Oh my gosh, he's coming!" Autumn hugs her mother's belly tightly and kisses it over and over again.

Both Danny and Jessica totally forgot Sam was bringing Autumn back today.

"Oh baby.. um, I forgot daddy was bringing you right now.  Sam, can we speak to you?"

"Jess, we need to go."

"Danny, hang on!" Jessica snaps.

".. You know what, I should just tell her.. she should know." Jessica looks at Danny with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks.

"Come in.  Autumn, sit with me, baby."

Danny sat with Jessica and Autumn while Sam listened.

"Autumn.. I have some bad news, baby." Jessica said taking her hand.

"What's wrong?  He's not coming today?" Autumn asked innocently.

"Autumn.. baby Simba.. he..he.... Danny." Jessica looked up to him.  She couldn't tell her daughter her brother was gone.

"Autumn.. Simba.. he went to be with Jesus."

Sam's eyes went wide.  He was in total shock.  He too was completely heartbroken.

"What?  But he's just a baby.  How can he be in Heaven?"

"Some baby's are only meant to stay Angels.. and baby Simba will be an angel forever and ever." Jessica said messing with a piece of her hair.

She was shocked she was able to speak to Autumn without completely losing it.

Autumn cried.  Sam cried, he was heartbroken for them.  Losing a child had to be the hardest thing a person can go through.

Autumn kissed her mother's belly and spoke to her little brother.
"Baby boy.. sissy will always always love you.  Every time I watch the lion king, I'll think of you, Simba.  I know you'll never ever leave me.  You'll forever be my Baby Simba." Autumn kisses her brother then hugs her mom.

"He's not kicking me like he always does, mommy."

"I know, baby.."

"I love you so much, mommy."

"I love you more." Jessica said, tears running down her cheeks.

"I want to see him, please let me see him.  Don't let him go to Heaven without me getting to see him!"

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