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That evening.

Sam felt terrible for what he said to Jessica, but he knew it needed to be done.

Still, he felt bad and couldn't go to sleep without at least messaging her.

*I'm sorry for texting so late, and I'm sorry for upsetting you. I just don't want you to get hurt again. I love you with all my heart, and you know that, Jessica. Please please just think about this decision. No one can change that drastically.*

*I love you too, Sam. But I do believe a person can change. And I love Danny. I know he won't hurt me again. I know what I'm doing. Please just let me do what's best for my family.*

*You know I'm always here.*

*I know. Thank you.*

And with that Sam and Jessica moved on.
Jessica planned her trip back home, and Sam prayed she would just see Danny's true colors.



"I don't want to go back, mommy.."

"I know, Autumn.. but we're only going to be in the apartment for a couple months before we can get into the new house."

"I have to share a room with Julia!" Autumn whines.

"Aww!  She's not that bad, Auttie." Jessica laughs.

"I love her, but she's one! I don't want to sleep with a one year old."

"It's only for a little while, baby."

"Alright." Autumn sighs.


The first night back in the apartment, Danny actually cooked for the family.

"I'm so proud of you, baby!" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah well I was alone for all those months!" He laughs. "I learned a little something."

"Well everything looks delicious! Let's dig in!"

Jessica and the girls really enjoyed the meal Danny prepared for them.
After dinner was bath time for Julia and Autumn.

"I go wih sissyyy!" Julia says standing in the bathroom in a diaper and pink T-shirt.

"I don't know if sishy would like that." Jessica laughs.

"I go wih sishy!" She smiles, stomp her feet and pulls on her shirt.

"Can she bathe with you?" Jessica asks.

"Mom!" Autumn whines.

"I was just asking! Come on, stinky. Sissy needs privacy." Jessica picks Julia up and kisses her belly.

"Ah! Noooo! Sishyyyyy!" Julia reaches for her sister.

"Ugh! Why is she so cute?! Come on, it's fine!"

"Are you sure?" Jessica asks.

"Yes, it's fine."

"YAY!" Julia claps her hands.

"Just don't pee in the water, please!"

"Oh she always does." Jessica chuckles.

"Great." Autumn says with a straight face.


"Goodnight, Auttie." Jessica places a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

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