Sam's baby

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"Zoe! Hello!"

"Hi! Let me see that beautiful grand baby of mine!"

Jessica's heart was pounding as she handed her over.

"GAMMA! GAMMA!" Theodore ran to her.

"Hi baby boy!! How are you today?"

"Baby sissy!" He smiles proudly and points to his sister.

"Aw, you're so cute!"

Jessica takes a deep breath and looks at Sam.
He nods and says, "Theo, your lunch is ready, bud."

"FOOD!" He takes off running.

Zoe laughs. "That boy is so stinkin cute!"

"Thank you." Jessica smiles softly.

"And so are you, baby girl!" Zoe looks down and kisses the baby's forehead.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"There's something I have to talk to you about."

"What is it, honey?"

"Um.. why don't we put the baby down and talk somewhere more private?"

"Okay.. is everything okay?"

"Uh Yes! Everything's fine!" Jessica fakes a smile.


Jessica and Zoe go into one of the guest rooms and by now Zoe was a little worried.

"Zoe.. I loved your son.. it was obvious, I loved him so much.." Jessica says beginning to cry.

"There were so many things I ignored because I wanted to see him as this perfect husband.."

"But he wasn't."

"No.. but.. there was a time where I wasn't a perfect either.."

"What do you mean?"

"Last August when Danny was on another one of his.. business trips.. I was staying with my parents and um.. well one evening I had dinner with Sam.."


"And I um.. well he spoke to me so so sweetly.. he truly meant every single word he said.
.. and uh—"

"You slept together?"

Jessica takes a deep breath and says, "Yes.."

"I mean.. I can't be mad. Not after what Daniel has done. Why are you telling me?"

"Because.." Jessica's breathing changes and her entire body becomes hot.

"Wait.. August? Is she.."

Jessica swallows hard and says, "She's Sam's baby."

"Oh.. oh my! How long have you known?"

"The results came back this morning.."

"Does Danny know?"

"He does.. he was there when they told us."

"Oh gosh.. I-I don't know what to say..
I'm completely heartbroken.. but I can't be mad.
Daniel has two kids with another woman.. but I love that little girl!" Zoe cries. "I love her so much!
.. This sucks."

"I'm so sorry!  And I know that you might not want to, but you can still see her.  You've spent the last nine months buying things for her.. falling in love with her!  And I'm so so sorry!  You can have everything you bought back, I—"

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