Two little hands

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That night Jessica didn't want to sleep. She just wanted to stay up staring at her baby boy. Taking in every little detail of his precious little face.

Jessica looked at the clock then back down to her baby.

"Right now is about the time you'd be kicking around like crazy! You would have dance parties all night long!"

It pained Jessica knowing how he passed. He was just moving around like he always did. Knowing the cord was wrapped around his neck and became compressed, made her heart break.
She hated to think of her baby boy suffering.
This all could have been avoided.  That will haunt Jessica for the rest of her life.

Around 4:45 Jessica finally fell asleep.
Danny woke up shorty after.  He looked down at Simba and placed a kiss on his forehead.
He then got up and quietly walked out of the room.

Danny walked to the nursery and just stared at the babies.  He wished so badly to see his son laying there with the rest.

Danny's eyes watered when he saw a baby boy that resembled Simba.
He placed his hand on the glass as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I'd give anything to hear his cry.. Why.. WHY didn't I leave work and go to the hospital with her? I could have been more demanding than Jessica. It's my fault he's gone.. DAMMIT!" Danny screamed, banging the glass.

"Sir!" Security walked over to him.

"I'm sorry.."

"What are you doing?" He asked noticing his tears.

"My son should be in there!" Danny points.

"Excuse me?"

"My son was stillborn because of a fucking nurse that works here! I want her fired! She killed my son!" He screams.

"Sir, you have to leave."

"No, let go of me!" Danny pushes him away.

Suddenly a nurse came by to see what was going on.
She looked at the security and nodded.

"Leave him alone. He's had a hard day. Come on, Mr. Huston. Let's go back to your son and girlfriend." She placed her hand on his back.

Danny hung his head as they walked back to the room.

"I'm sorry. This just isn't fair!" He says, tears still falling.

"I know.. I lost a baby two years ago at thirty five weeks. It's hard.. but it will be okay."

"No.. it will never be okay..
See, I didn't want my son. I was upset when my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. I did this. He's gone and now he knows that.... that I didn't want him." Danny says that last part in a tearful whisper.

"I'll never forgive myself."


The next morning Jessica laid with her son. The room needed to remain at a cool temperature so she was bundled up.

Danny laid across the bed in front of her and Simba.

"I was hoping it was all a nightmare. It just doesn't seem real." Jessica says with tears.

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