I only have eyes for you

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Hearing Sam say that completely threw Jessica off.  She stayed in the back room for a while after Sam left. She fixed her makeup and came out with a smile on her face.

"Everything okay?" Dorothy asked.

"Yes, everything's perfect!  I'm marrying Danny in just a few minutes.  Nothing could be better." She said with a soft smile.

Julia looked up to her with a cheesy smile.

"You silly girl!  Are you showing off you brand new teethies?" She giggles.

Julia starts laughing, making herself fall onto her back.

"Baby down!" Sarah says.

Jessica laughed with her family and tried her best to forget what Sam said.


The wedding went on beautifully.
Danny and Jessica were both so happy to finally be married.

The reception following was held in the church hall.
It was nicely decorated just how Jessica had dreamed.  She was so happy.

Danny took Jessica by the hand and lead her to the dance floor as their song began to play.

"My love must be a kind of blind love
I can't see anyone but you
Sha bop sha bop
Sha bop sha bop"

Jessica laughs Danny sings along to the "Sha bop sha bop" part.

Are the stars out tonight
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright
I only have eyes for you dear
Sha bop sha bop
The moon may be high
Sha bop sha bop
But I can't see a thing in the sky
I only have eyes for you"

Everyone watched Danny and Jessica.
The way they held each other, the way they looked into each other's eyes with so much love. It was beautiful.

Danny and Jessica kissed softly knowing all eyes were on them.

Danny pulled away and said, "I feel like the luckiest man in the world, Jess. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Danny." Jessica smiles.

Danny kissed her forehead then turned to the girls who were watching them with smiles on their faces.

"Look at those two beauties."

Jessica smiles then says, "They're cute, huh?"

"They sure are!"

"You know.. I keep picturing baby Simba running around in his little tuxedo. His cute little chunky butt." She chuckles with tears in her eyes.

"I know.. my little man.
Don't cry, Princess." Danny wipes her cheeks.

"I can't help it, I miss him so much."

"Me too." Danny wraps his arms around her as they sway.

Jessica looks up and Danny kisses her lips.
"Just think.. tomorrow we move and start our new lives.. once we get settled in, you're gonna love it, the girls are gonna love it!  And soon we can start trying for another baby Huston." He smiles.

Jessica laughs. "I just gave you one six months ago, Mister!"

"Yeah but I want a whole bunch of kids!"

"Oh you do, do you?" Jessica giggles.

"I do!" Danny smiles and kisses her lips.


After the best man and maid of honor have their speeches, Danny grabbed the mic to say a few words.

"Wanna start, baby?" Danny jokes as he hands her the mic.

"Nooo.." Jessica giggles shyly.

"She's cute! Alright well, on behalf of my beautiful bride and I, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being here, and celebrating Jessie and I becoming one." Danny smiles and pulls Jessica into his side.

"Thank you for holding that special place in our hearts.. and thank you for the extra love this past year."
Danny then takes a moment of silence and continues.
".. Everyone here knows that there is one.. extremely special little man that we all wish we could see here today."

Jessica immediately tears up and holds onto Danny just a bit tighter.

"In March of last year, Jess and I lost our baby boy, Simba. It was hard on all of us, and still.. and always will be.
But with your support, we're handling it. Day by day. You've all raised a glass to my Boo and I.. now please.. raise your glasses.. for Simba. We love you, son." Danny says fighting his tears as best he can.

Jessica lifts her glass as tears roll down her cheeks.
She then hugs Danny and buries her face in his chest.

"My baby boy.." She says as Danny rubs her back.


The rest of the night went amazing. Autumn danced the entire night.
Julia bounced to the music and clapped her hands with so much excitement. The only time she was upset was when she needed to be fed. Other than that she was all smiles and dancing with whoever grabbed her and carried her onto the dance floor.

It's getting late now, and Sam decided it was time he went home.

"Daddy, I'll see you on Friday, okay? Don't forget!" Autumn says.

"I won't, baby. I promise."

Jessica smiles softly and says, "Bye Sam, thanks for coming."

"Of course.. thanks for inviting me."

"No problem! I wanted you here.. you're my best friend."

Sam smiles softly. "Yeah.. you're mine."

"How sweet, mommy and daddy are friends!" Autumn smiles and hugs them both, pulling the two closer together.

"Oh!" Both Sam and Jessica awkwardly pull their faces away.

Autumn laughs kisses Sam once again.
"Bye, daddy!"

"Bye, beautiful!"

Jessica smiles as she watches Autumn skip away.
"We'll see you soon." She says to Sam.

"Yes.. Jess, let's just pretend earlier didn't happen."

"Done." Jessica smiles.
"I understand.  I did the same thing, remember?" She giggles softly.

"Yeah!  Heh.. so we're good?"

"We're great, Sam."

"Awesome!  Well again, congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

Sam hugs her and leaves.
Jessica didn't know why, but she began to get a little emotional.  Perhaps it was because that chapter of her life was officially over. Or maybe because in only twelve hours they were headed off for their new life in Wisconsin.
Whatever it was, Jessica was full of tears.

Danny saw her and rushed over to find out what was wrong.

"Jessica, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I'm just so emotional today!" She chuckles through her tears.

Danny wipes her cheeks and smiles.
"Don't cry. This is the beginning of our new lives. Once we're out of here, it's just you, me, and the girls. That's all we need, Boo." He then pulls her in for a hug.

Jessica sniffles and quietly says, "Yeah.. yeah, that's all we need.."

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