The one that got away

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That evening.

"Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, mommy.."

Jessica kisses Autumn's cheek then softly caresses it.

"I'm happy you and Danny are getting married.."

Jessica smiles softly.

"But.. are we really moving? What about my daddy?"

Jessica sighs and says, "I don't know, baby. I'm going to talk to Danny tonight."

"Don't fight, please."

"We're not gonna fight, baby. Now go to sleep."

"Okay.. Wait! Do you think Simba had a good birthday?"

"I think he had a great birthday!"

"The cake we had for him was yummy!"

"Wasn't it? My baby.." Jessica then got teary eyed.

She pictured what her baby boy would look like on his first birthday. Running around saying 'Mama'.
Her heart so badly.

Autumn smiled softly and wrapped her arms around her mother. "He's still here, mommy. Don't be sad."

"I know, baby. I feel him. It still hurts though."

"I know."

"Now get some sleep. You're going to daddy's tomorrow! Fun stuff." Jessica smiles.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!"

Jessica smiles and kisses her goodnight.

Once she tucks her in she goes back to the bedroom.


"Babe, maybe it's time Julia starts sleeping in her crib."

"What do you mean? She does sleep in her crib."

"I mean in her room."

"No! I have to have her near me in case she has trouble breathing at night! She needs to be close, Danny!"

Danny sighs and walks over to her.
"Baby, I want you tonight.. I feel weird when we do it with her in the room."

"You did it when she was in me."

"That was different. She can hear us, Jess."

"Danny before we do all that, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"You know what, Daniel."

Danny sighs and sits on the bed.

"Okay. Start yelling."

"No, I don't want to yell, Daniel. I just want to know why you didn't speak to me first. You know Sam and I co parent. Is this because you're jealous of him?"

"Are you serious, Jessica? NO!"

"Lower your voice! I told her we wouldn't fight."

"This job is better for us! I'm doing it for us, for our family, Jessica!"

"How are we going to do this? Almost two hours away from Sam, our family and our friends!"

"It's not a big deal. I'll be making more money, we can put Julia in daycare—"

"Daycare? Hah! Put my baby in daycare?!"

"Well if it's too much for you!"

"No one outside of our family is going to be taking care of my baby, Daniel."

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