Phone call

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"Let's go home, Sammy. I need you, baby."

"Are you sure? You're okay do to this?"

"Yeah, the doctor cleared me. I'm ready!" Jessica said with a smile.

"Then let's go, momma!"


"Where are you going, Sam?  You missed the exit."

"We're not going home! There are kids there!"

Jessica laughs.
"Then where are we going?"

"Somewhere we can park the car and have sex. You know, like we used to do in his go school!"

"Ooh those were the days, baby!" Jessica giggles.



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just go slow.. oh God, I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you.. I've wanted this for so long.. and now you're here."

"And I'm here to stay.. Ooh!  Yeah, that's it..
  I'm never leaving you.. you'll never meet me.. right?"

"Never!  I want to be with you until.. Oh!  Until the day I.. I die.  Shit!  You feel so fucking good!"

"Mhf!  Kiss me.."

Sam placed his lips against hers and kissed her with so much passion.

"Mmm!  Harder." Jessica moans into his lips

"Ooh yeah!  HARDER!"

Sam listens and pounds his lower half even harder.

"Shit!  Oh fuck!" Jessica arches her back.
Sam then leans forward and buries his face in her neck.

"Oh Sammy!  Yes!  Oh my gosh.. this is.. this is everything I've ever wanted!"


"Yes!  Oh God, I love you!" Jessica cries.

Sam breathes heavily as he reaches his climax.

Soon both calmed down.

"Jessie?  Are you okay?  Did I hurt you?"

"No!  No, you didn't hurt me.. I just can't believe I got you back.  Leaving you was the worst decision I've ever made."

"Aw.. I feel the same way, baby!  You're my little Button.." Sam smiles and gently taps the tip of her nose.

"I'm so happy I get to call you mine.... Again!" Sam chuckles.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, Samuel!"

"I love you so so so SO much more, Jessica!"

Jessica smiles and captures his lips with hers.


Two weeks later.

"Look at my baby girl smiling at me! What did I do to deserve a smile like that? Huh? What did daddy do for this special gift?"

"Look at my baby girl smiling at me!  What did I do to deserve a smile like that?  Huh?  What did daddy do for this special gift?"

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