One isn't enough

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*Hello! My name is Jessica!*
Jessica signs.

*Hi! I'm Sam!*
Sam signs.

"We're doing so well!" Jessica squeals.

"Haha! We are! Autumn, your turn!"

*My name is Autumn! How are you?*

"Ooooh!" Both Sam and Jessica say making Autumn laugh.

"You're outdoing us! Mom and I just signed our names!"

"Hah! I'm gooood!"

"You are, baby!" Jessica smiles.

Sam, Jessica and Autumn have really enjoyed their classes each week.


"Milk!" Jessica open and closes her hand.

"How do you sign boobie milk?" Sam asks.

"Stop!" Jessica laughs.

"Milk! Milk!" Jessica signs once again.

Theodore smiles and signs Milk.

"Ah! Good job!" Jessica screams scaring Theodore.

"Ahh!" He whines and yanks one of his hearing aids out of his ears.

Jessica covers her mouth and slightly widens her eyes.

Sam immediately burst out in laughter.
"You made him so mad.. he just yanked that thing off!
He's five months old and you're already annoying him." He laughs.

"Aw that's so sad!" Jessica chuckles.
"I'm sorry, baby! I didn't mean to scare you!"

Jessica then fixes his hearing aids and Theodore purses his lips.

"Oooh, he is not happy with me! But baby, mommy is just so proud of you!" Jessica then kisses his cheeks.

Theodore smiles.
"Ah, see?! You can't be mad at mommy kisses!" Jessica baby talks.

Theodore giggles and kicks his legs.

"You little cutie!"


"Alright Jess, we're heading out.  Thanks for having us over."

"Of course, any time!"

Sam hugs Jessica and says, "Being here without your parents really takes me to our high school days."

"Sam!" Jessica laughs and pushes him in his side.

Sam laughs and walks over to the baby.
He kisses the top of Theodore's head, making him kicks his legs with excitement.

"Look at that face!" Jessica giggles.

"Such a handsome little fella!" Sam smiles and taps his nose

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"Such a handsome little fella!" Sam smiles and taps his nose.

"Bye baby girl!"

"Bye, daddy!" Autumn gives her father a hug.

"And bye bye, Ju— What are you doing?" Sam turns to Julia and laughs.

"And bye bye, Ju— What are you doing?" Sam turns to Julia and laughs

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"One isn't enough?" He chuckles.

"Julia!  One of those is brother's!" Jessica laughs.

Julia giggles then yanks them out and says, "I siwy!"

"You are SO silly, Juju!"

"Ya!" Julia laughs.

"Heh! Bye, Jess!"

"Wait, I'm gonna walk you out!  I need to talk to you."

"Alright.  Am I in trouble?"

"YES!" Jessica smiles.

Sam puts Landon in the car then looks at Jessica.
"What's up?" He asks.

"So um.. we're gonna head back soon."


"Back home.."

"With Danny?"

Jessica bites her fingernail and nods her head.

"Why? He's no good for you, Jess."

"He's changed."

Sam scoffs. "Jess, I love you, but come on!"

"Sam, he has! We're going back before school starts.
We're gonna get a house out there."



"I just don't understand going back, Jessica." Sam nods.

"I do not understand it!"

"Sam, he's my husband! Did you expect me to never go back?"

"No! Damn, I don't know.. Yeah, I guess!
He's an asshole and doesn't deserve you or those kids!"


"I don't get it. He doesn't treat you like a person should be treated. Be mad at me all you want, Jessica. But if you go back.. you're going to be making the stupidest decision of your life."

"Sam!" Jessica was shocked to hear what he had to say.

"I love you. I care for you, Jessica Lange.
I love your kids as much as I love my own.. why you would go back to him?  That blows my mind."

Jessica doesn't respond. She just looks at him with a sad look in her eyes.

"I'll be here for you when it happens again.
Because you know it WILL happen again!"

Sam then gets in his car and drives off, leaving Jessica in the middle of the driveway in tears.

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