Our Love

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"Happy Anniversary, my beautiful little Button." Sam smiles and pinches Jessica's nose.

"Happy Anniversary, Sammy Wammy!"

Sam smiles and kisses her lips.

"Mmm.. Love you, baby."

"Love you too.  What do you want for breakfast, beautiful?"

"You!" Jessica smirk, then runs the tip of her tongue along her top lip.

"Ooh yes.  I think I deserve that." Sam nods.

Jessica laughs. "But I get a turn afterwards!"

"Well yeah!  I'm hungry too!" Sam chuckles and kisses her lips.  He then runs his hand up her shirt, and massages her breast.


Jessica then reaches down and grabs a hold of his underwear.
"Take these off." She giggles.

"Show me your boobs."

Jessica laughs and takes her shirt off.

"YOWZA!" Sam's eyes widen with excitement.

Jessica's laugh becomes louder before Sam launches forward and bites her boob.

"Fuck!  You animal, you!"

"RAWR!" Sam smirks.

"You are such a dork!" She laughs and brings his face back to her breasts.


After their love making, Sam and Jessica both hopped in the shower, then went down for breakfast.

"Good morning!  We made breakfast!" Autumn smiles.  All of the kids were in the kitchen waiting for their parents.

"Well it took you long enough!" Julia says.

"Hey I was busy lovin' on my woman!" Sam hugs Jessica around her waist.

"EWWWW!" All of the kids say in unison.

"Oh come on!  Chill out!"

Jessica laughs and gently pushes Sam off of her.
"Thank you all for making breakfast!"

"You're welcome, mommy!" Samuel giggles and hugs her waist.

"Me and Sam Sam put the fruit on the plates!" Evangeline says.

"Oh really?!  Well thank you, babies!  Great job!"


Jessica chuckles.

"Autumn, I'm glad you're able to have breakfast with us." Sam says.

"Aw yes!  My baby girl has to go back to school today!" Jessica pouts.

"I know!  But I'll be back before you know it!"

"Thanksgiving!" Jessica whines.

"Yeah.. But it'll go by fast!" Autumn smiles.

"She just wants to go so she can have sex with Austin!"

"LANDON!  Stop that!" Jessica shouts.

"What, Mom?  You know it's true!" He laughs.

"You are thirteen, you shouldn't be talking like that.  Especially in front of your family!"

"Alright, sorry.."

"And Autumn Rae Shepard, you better not be having sex!"

"Mom!" Autumn's voice went high, and her face went red.

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