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Two months later.

Jessica was busy doing her work, she hadn't paid any attention to who had walked in.
When she took the clipboard she was surprised to see a certain name.

"He's back?!" Jessica's eyes went wide on the name.

"Who?  Oh, your fan?" Kate laughed.

"He's been three times in the last two months!  This is getting weird."

"I think it's cute!  Plus, the last time he came back because he left his phone."

"True.  He didn't come to see me.."

"I think he left his phone on purpose." Another coworker, Chloe said.

"I doubt that." Jessica rolls her eyes.

She then went back to work and forgot all about it.

When Danny came up to her desk he gave her a smile.

Jessica looked up to him with a straight face and said, "Hello again, Daniel."

"Miss me?" He joked.

"Well I just saw you two weeks ago, Mr. Huston." Jessica gave him a funny smile.

"Yeah.. I know. Man, this is stupid. I mean it really is."

"What?" Jessica gave him a confused look.

Danny sighs. "I have come three times since October because I.. I've wanted to ask you something but.. but I chicken out every single time."

"What did you want to ask me?"

"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"Oh!" Jessica's eyes went wide.
"Oh, I don't know.."

"Ah man, are you married? Have I spent all this money coming here and you're married?"

"No, I'm not married."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"No. Actually, I—"

"Perfect! Then have dinner with me tonight?" He smiles sweetly.


"Come on, Jessica. I left phone here on purpose and have checked out things I didn't want checked out."

Jessica couldn't help but laugh at all the trouble Danny has gone through.

"Okay fine."

"Yes?!" Danny smiles.

"Yes, I'll go."

"Great! Could I get your number? I can pick you up."

"Sure." Jessica smiled and gave him her number.


Jessica took Autumn to her sister's, and went home to get ready.

It was now 7:30. The time Danny said he would be there. Jessica sat down on the couch and decided to watch some tv until he arrived.


Jessica tossed her shoes and sighed.
She was actually looking forward to dinner tonight and was very surprised that he hasn't at least messaged her.

8:15 rolled around and Jessica heard a knock on her door.
She rolled her eyes and walked to the door.

"Heyyyy! Wow, you look beautiful!" Danny smiled and Jessica just looked at him.

"You ready?" He asks.

"You're forty five minutes late. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry, I was helping my grandma with her tv. She was confused and I didn't have the heart to leave her."

Jessica slightly squinted her eye and moved to the side.

"Come in. My shoes are off, I'm not leaving. Get the phone and order Chinese food."

"That's fun too!" Danny smiles and walks in.

"The phones right there. Want something to drink?"

"Yes please, I'll take whatever you're drinking."

Next to the phone is a picture of Jessica and Autumn.

"Aw, who's this cutie?" Danny smiles, lifting up the frame.

"Oh, that's my daughter." Jessica smiles.

"Holy shit, you have a kid?!" His eyes go wide.

"I do." Jessica chuckles. "I was going to tell you earlier but you didn't let me finish." Jessica gives him a funny look.

"I'm sorry." He chuckles. "She's pretty!  What's her name?"

"Thank you! Her name is Autumn and she'll be six next month."

"Aw, cool! Wow, I can't believe you're a mom. That's really awesome."

"Aw, thank you.... Now order my food please." She smiles softly.

"Yes ma'am." Danny chuckles.


"And that's the story of how I got knocked out by a goat." Danny finishes.

"Oh my!" Jessica laughs. "That's an interesting story!"

"Thanks." He chuckles.

"So tell me more about yourself.  How can a beautiful woman like you not be married?"

"I don't know!" Jessica shrugs. "I'm pretty picky, I guess."

"Oh!  Well I'm glad I made the cut!" Danny says with a goofy face.

"Stop it!" Jessica laughs and taps his arm.

"If I didn't say yes, you'd just keep coming in!"

"Very true." Danny chuckles.

"You're just so sweet and beautiful.. I couldn't help it."

"Aw.. thank you.."

"You're welcome." He smiles.

Jessica then looks at the time and says, "Oh wow!  How is it already one o'clock?!"

"Damn, is it really?!  Man, you sure can talk!"

"Shut up!" Jessica laughs.

Danny sighs and says, "Well let me go and let you get your beauty sleep."

"Alright.. I had a very lovely time, Daniel."

"It was fun!  Would you like to do it again some time?"

"Absolutely!  Yes!" Jessica smiles.

"Great!  I'll uh.. I'll call you." Danny smiles.

"Okay.." Jessica bites her bottom lip.

Danny slowly leans forward, capturing her lips.
They share a slow, soft kiss before Danny pulls away and smiles.

"Just like I imagined it'd be.  I'm looking forward to doing this again, Jessica."

"So am I, Daniel."

Danny left Jessica with butterflies in her stomach.  No one but Sam ever made her feel this way.
Maybe, just maybe this could lead to something special.  For the first time in a while, Jessica was hopeful.

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