I prayed

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Arriving at the hospital they checked Jessica's vitals and got her situated.
She was soon started on Pitocin and now it was all a waiting game.

Jessica went into the hospital at two centimeters so they knew this was going to be a while.

It is now 12:00 pm. Jessica has been in labor for six hours.

"How do you feel?" Danny asks.

"I feel okay. I think I need to walk though. I need to get things moving."

"Whatever you want. You're doing great."

Jessica gives him a small smile then looks down as tears fill her eyes.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"I don't know! I just want to cry." Her voice was high and shaky.

"Aw Boo.." Danny wraps his arms around her and rubs her back.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too.. I just want to see her."

"You will. And I bet she'll look just like you and Autumn."

"You think?" Jessica smiles softly.

"I hope so! You two are beautiful."

"Aw.. thank you, Danny."

"Of course, Boo Boo. This little girl is just destined to be beautiful." Danny holds her belly in his hands and kisses it.

Jessica giggles and runs her hand through his hair.


6:00 pm.

Jessica is still managing her pain well.  It's still early but she plans to go natural if possible.

"Her heart. Is she okay?" Jessica cried softly as a nurse checked on her.

"Yes ma'am. That's her heart beating."

"Yeah Jess, isn't it beautiful?"

"It's so beautiful." Jessica cried even harder.

Even though Jessica could hear her baby's heartbeat, she still worried and asked constantly if she was okay.

"She's moving a lot, can you check on her? I don't want her to get tangled in the cord like Sim....

"Yes ma'am, we can do that. Just stay calm, everything is okay." The nurse said with a friendly smile.

"Thank you." Danny gave the woman a soft smile and nod.

The waiting and wondering was becoming unbearable for Jessica.  She just wanted her baby girl here now.
So many horrible thoughts ran through her mind.
She tried so hard to push them away and be happy, but she couldn't.  Every single second her son was on her mind.  His sweet face and his plumbed lips.
He was the cutest little boy Jessica has ever seen.

"I want him." Jessica mumbled as she cried softly.

"What, baby?" Danny comes closer.

"I want him!"




"I want Simba, but I want this baby too! Why can't I keep both?" Jessica looked up to Danny as tears poured down her cheeks.

Danny wiped her cheeks and sat beside her.
He held her hand and said, "Baby, he is here. He is apart of us, and he will never ever leave us."

"He would be so big now.."

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