Our Baby

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30 minuets later.

Jessica cleaned up their plates as she cried non stop.

"No.  Stop it, Jessica.  Stop it!  You have to stay calm for the baby." Jessica sat everything down, placed her hand on her stomach and took a deep breath.

"But how could he say that?  It's a baby!  It's our baby." Jessica said, crying softly.

Just then the phone started ringing.  Jessica quickly ran to answer it.  She was hoping it was Danny.


"Hey Jess!"

"Sam?  Is everything okay?"

"Yeah!  Everything's great!  I actually had to rush Megan to the hospital.  Her water broke and things are happening pretty fast."

"Oh!  Oh wow, well I'll go pick her up!"

"Alright, please be careful driving."

"I will.. I'm happy for you, Sam." Jessica smiled softly.

"Thank you, Jessie!"


Jessica changed into leggings and a sweatshirt before leaving.

When she arrived, Sam's parents were just getting there as well.

"Oh Jessie!  How are you?" Sam's mother said greeting her with a hug.

"I'm doing well.  How are you two?"


"I bet!  A grandson.. happy times." Jessica says trying her best to hide her tears.

Luckily for her Sam was just bringing Autumn out.

"Mommy!  My baby brother is coming!  I'm gonna be a big sister!"

"Yes you are!" Jessica smiles.

She then looked up to Sam and asked, "How's Megan?"

"Things are getting pretty intense!"

"Oh goodness, well you better get back." Jessica smiles softly.

"Yeah!" He chuckles.

Sam hugs Autumn and kisses her cheek.
"I'll see you soon, big sis."

"Bye, daddy!"

Sam smiles then hugs Jessica and kisses the top of her head.

Jessica closed her eyes as he held her.  She wanted more than anything to completely break down in his arms.

Before losing it, she rubbed his back and smiled. "Go on, Sammy.  Go welcome your baby boy."

Sam smiles and leaves them.


The next morning.

Jessica was sick once again but, she knew that meant the baby was healthy, so she didn't mind.

She then went downstairs to make her and Autumn some breakfast.

"Mommy!  I'm up!  Is my baby brother here?!  Was he born yet?!"

Jessica smiled softly. "He's here, baby.  Megan had him at four this morning."

"YAAAAAY!  Oh my gosh, mommy!  I have a baby brother!"

"You do!" Jessica said, attempting to match her excitement.

"Can we please go see him?"

"As soon as we eat and get ready we can go."

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