Uncle Sam

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Two days later.

Danny is currently taking their bags down to the car while Jessica dressed the baby.

"Let's lay you down here while mommy grabs your little hat. You can't go home without your little hat!"

"Are you happy about that, Princess?" Jessica laughs

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"Are you happy about that, Princess?" Jessica laughs.

"You are just the happiest little lady!" Jessica kisses her cheeks.

"Are you ready to go home today, Julia? Your sister is getting dropped off and you're going to get to meet your uncle Sam! I know you're going to love him, he's really sweet!"

Julia looked up to her mother and made the cutest little noises.

"Oh you have the sweetest little voice! You are so cute, my little sunshine!"

Jessica was already so in love with her brand new little baby. She couldn't wait to go home and start this new chapter of her and her little family's life.


After arriving at home the three got situated before Autumn arrived.

"Are you all done? Was that good? Huh? You cutie!" Jessica giggles wiping the milk from the corners of her mouth.

"Let's just clean this up so we can burp you."

"She's finished?" Danny asks walking into the living room.

"Yeah.  She ate a lot!" Jessica giggles.

"My little porker." He chuckles.

Just then they hear Autumn running up and knocking on the door. "It's us! Open up!"

Jessica laughs as Danny walks over to the front door.
As soon as he opens it Autumn zooms in.

"Hi Julia!  How are you, beautiful?"

Jessica smiles. "She's doing well!  She just ate so I'm burping her."

"After you're finished, can I hold her, please?"

"Of course!"
Jessica then looks up to Sam who was bringing in Autumn's things.

"Sam!" Jessica smiles.

"Hey Jess!"

"Come see the baby!"

Sam walks over and looks down to the baby.
"Look at her!" He chuckles.

Jessica giggles. "Say hi to Uncle Sam, Ju Ju!
She's cute, isn't she?" She smiles up to Sam.

"Very cute!  She's full of smiles, huh?"

"Oh yes!  Even when she sleeps, she smiles!  It's probably just gas, but I think it's cute!" Jessie smiles cutely.

Sam laughs. "It's an adorable smile!  Man!  She looks just like Autumn when she was a baby."

"She does, doesn't she?!"

"Yeah.. Gosh, your girls lucked out.  They both look like you."

"Aw Sam!  Thank you."

Sam smiles then softly caresses the baby's arm.

Just then Danny clears his throat and says, "Dinners almost ready so uh.."

"Oh!  Hint taken." Sam chuckles , lifting his hands.
"I'm out."

"Aw well.. I'm glad you were able to meet her." Jessica smiles softly.

"Me too!  She's precious."

"Thank you!"

"Aw daddy, stay for dinner!" Autumn grabs his hand.

"No baby, you guys enjoy your first night with your sister.  I'll see you soon."

"Okay." Autumn's pouts.
"I love you!"

"I love you more." Sam gives her a kiss.

Once he was gone they go on to have dinner.
Jessica noticed Danny was a little quiet, but decided to wait until they were in their room to ask him what was wrong.

"Goodnight, love. Sleep tight." Jessica kissed Autumn and tucked her in.

"Goodnight, mommy... I love you.. thank you for my baby sister." Autumn says with a yawn.

"You're so welcome, baby girl!" Jessica smiles.
"Have beautiful dreams, little one."

"You too, mommy." Autumn slowly closes her eyes.

Jessica kisses her cheek once again before walking to her bedroom.
Danny was laying in bed with Julia on his bare chest.

"Is she up and talking to you?" Jessica giggles.

"Mostly drooling. I think she's hungry." Danny chuckles.

Jessica smiles and takes the baby from him.
She gets situated then turns to Danny and smiles softly.

"You okay, Danny?" She asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seemed so quiet during dinner."

Danny shrugs his shoulders.

"Tell me, baby." Jessica places her hand on his leg.

Danny looks at her and asks, "Do you still have feelings for Sam?"

"What?! For Sam?!"

"Don't act like that, Jessica. You're always so giddy when he's around!"

"He's my friend, Danny!

"A friend you used to fuck!"

Jessica gasps and covers the baby's ears.

"Come on, Jess, she can't even understand a word we're saying!"

"Yes she can! Don't cures!"

"Well if she can understand that much, daddy saying fuck won't be as bad as mommy flirting with her "Uncle Sam". He is NOT her uncle, so don't call him that again!"

Jessica begins to cry softly.
"Danny, why are you being so mean?"

"I'm just tired of it, Jessica! Every time you see him your eyes light up! You want him so bad, then leave!"

"I don't want him, Danny! I love you!"

"Do you really?"

"Yes! Why are you acting like this?! It's Julia's first night home and you're making her upset!"

"Then maybe I should go and make everyone happy."

"What? No! Danny!"

Danny grabs his clothes and his cellphone before slamming the bedroom door.
The loud sound caused the baby girl to cry loudly.
It was the most Jessica has heard her cry so far.
Up until now it was mostly smiles and tiny little whines when hungry. But this, this was a hurtful cry.

"Oh baby.. Julia, it's okay, baby girl.. it's okay." Jessica whispers as she rocks her.

"Daddy will be back. Don't cry." She says as tears roll down her cheeks.
"It's your first night home.. it wasn't supposed to be like this! I'm so sorry."

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