On my heart

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Sam slowly reaches his hand to Jessica's face and wipes her cheek.
Jessica grabs his hand and kisses it.

"You said I was always the one.. you love me, Sammy.. don't you remember?"

Sam looks at her and signs, "I'm sorry."

Jessica let out a sob.

Sam placed his hand on her leg and Jessica stood up.
"It's okay. I'm sorry.. I don't want to freak you out, or upset you. It's just been a tough couple weeks.. I'll be fine."

"I'm sorry." Sam signs once again.

"Don't be sorry, honey." Jessica cups his face. "I'm sure you'll remember eventually.. it'll be okay.."


October 6th.

"Mommy, I can't believe we're going to get to see daddy today!" Autumn says full of excitement.

"I know, honey! Now, don't forget, he doesn't remember a lot. He knows you, and he knows Theo a tiny bit, but everyone else is still pretty fuzzy."

"He's gotta know me! I'm his girl.." Julia says with a sad look in her eyes.

"Aw honey! He will eventually, don't you worry!" Jessica smiles.
"Also, his speech isn't the best, but if we can't understand him he'll sign."

"Oh great! I'm not that good at speaking hands!" Julia says.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll help you out." Jessica chuckles softly.


"Alright.." Jessica sighs. "Let's get going."


"Okay, you kids wait here. Let me go in first and make sure he's ready for visitors. Will you hold Evie, please Auttie?"

"Sure, momma."

"Thank you. I'll be back, loves."

Jessica then opened the door and let herself in.
"Good morning, handsome!"

"Hi.." Sam says in a low voice.

"Are you ready for some visitors?"


"Good! Now they're all excited to see you, so they might be a bit crazy! Don't let them scare you though, okay?" Jessica laughs.

"Okay.. Will you tell me who's who?" Sam mumbles in a low voice.

"Absolutely!" Jessica smiles.

All Jessica wanted to do was grab Sam's face and kiss his lips. That's all she's wanted to do since he's woken up.
Since Sam doesn't remember them being together, she's decided to just hold back for the time being.

"Come on in, kids. Here, I'll take little miss." Jessica smiles and takes Evangeline from Autumn.

"DADDY! DADDY!" Theodore ran to the bed. "I misses you, Daddy!"

"Why your head look funny?" Julia points.

"We talked about that, remember Juju?" Jessica says.

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