Baby Brother

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Sam and Jessica were over the moon! They've known baby Samuel for an hour, but already his little personality was shining through.

"He looks like he's enjoying his first meal." Autumn giggles.

"Yep! You're a hungry boy, aren't you, Sam Sam?"

Baby Samuel looks up to Jessica and hums.

"Hi!" Jessica giggles. "You are so cute! I love you, little guy!"

Sam watched Jessica with a smile on his. He was so in love with this woman. In Sam's mind, he's only known Jessica for a few months. In those few months she's gone from an acquaintance, to a friend.. to a Best friend, to someone he couldn't imagine living without. Sam wanted more than anything to spend the rest of his life with her.


"Wow.. you look like daddy, Sam Sam! You're so handsome!" Autumn said looking into her baby brother's eyes as she held him for the first time.

"He's got your mommy's nose though, doesn't he? A little baby button nose." Sam smiles.

Jessica looks over to him and smiles as she shyly plays with her hair.

"The perfect mix of both of us." She says.

"Yep.. the perfect mix."

Jessica giggles and hides her blushing face. Even after all these years, Sam's smile still gives her butterflies in her belly.


Two days later.

Autumn sat in the backseat right beside her baby brother. Jessica sat on the opposite side, and Sam sat in the passenger seat while Sarah drove.

"We're almost home, Samuel! You're gonna get to meet all of our brothers and sisters!

.. Of course there's a brother and a sister that won't be there.... But don't worry! I'll tell you All about them both! Our sister is Everly, and our brother is Simba. They're in Heaven with Jesus. They're our angels. They keep us safe." Autumn smiles as she gently caresses his tiny hand.

Jessica sat there crying silently. Sam heard her sniffles, so he reached over and held her hand.

Jessica looked at him and said, "It's not fair that he isn't here.. that she isn't here.. it's not right."

"I know.. but honey.. they are here."

Jessica sniffles, then leans over and kisses Sam's hand

"I love you, Momma."

"I love you too, Dada." Jessica giggles softly.

They then turned to Autumn who had no clue her parents were even talking. She was too into admiring her newest sibling.

Jessica smiles.

"She's cute, huh?"

"Very." Jessica nods.


"You guys!  Mommy and daddy are here!" Ann says as all of the kids run to greet them.

"Mommy and Daddy!  Mommy and Daddy!" Theodore cheers.

"MY BABIES!  Mommy's home!" Jessica opens the door with Autumn close behind, and finally Sam and the baby in his carrier.

"The baby's here! The baby's here! Let me see it! I want to see my new baby!"

"Well hello, Juju!" Jessica chuckles.

"Mommy, what is it?!" Julia shouts.

"A girl!" Theodore guesses.

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