Little baby

175 21 6

November 2nd.
20 weeks pregnant.

Jessica is at the halfway mark of her pregnancy.
She's a lot bigger this time around, but she doesn't mind one bit.  All she wants is a healthy baby.

For the past few months, Danny has stayed with Jessica and Autumn.  Jessica didn't want to leave her home, but also didn't want to be apart from Danny, so she asked if he would move in with her.
He agreed and Jessica was thrilled.

"Jess, I'm home!" Danny shouted through the house.

"Hi baby!  Danny, feel!  The baby's been moving so much all day!" Jessica says holding her bump in her hands.

"Oh Jess, you know how I am.  I don't get all mushy over babies."

Jessica's smile faded. "But I thought you'd want to feel your son."

"Jess.." Danny then realizes what she said. "My son?"

Jessica smiles and nods her head.
"I went to the doctor today. He said it was a boy!"

"No way! That's so cool!"

"Yep! Now we just need a name."

"We've got one, Daniel jr."

"Not a chance." Jessica chuckles.

Danny laughs and kisses her lips.

Jessica then smiles and says, "For now I'm calling him baby Simba."

"Simba? Like from the Lion King?"



"Well because he was conceived when we went to Disney, ANNNND because the first time he kicked was when Autumn and I were watching the lion king."

"Oh.. Baby Simba." Danny chuckles and rubs her belly.

"That's him!" Jessica smiles sweetly.


December 21st.
27 weeks pregnant.

"Babe, look at my belly." Jessica giggles, walking out of the bathroom.

"I know!  How much more are you gonna grow?"

"Well we have about three more months.  I'd say quite a lot." She chuckles while rubbing the sides of her belly.

"Damn!" Danny's eyes widen.

"But the extra weight is so worth it.  I just can't wait to squeeze his chubby cheeks."

Danny smiles softly then walks over and pecks her cheek.

"I'm off to work."

"Hey wait!  Where's my real kiss?"

Danny chuckles and kisses her lips.

"That's better.  Bye bye." She smiles.

"Bye, babe."



"Momma, baby Simba got so many presents today!"

"He did! He's already a very loved little boy." Jessica smiles.

"He is! Ooh! Did you hear that?! That's my daddy's car! He's here!" Autumn jumps with excitement.

"He is!" Jessica smiles then walks over to let him in.

"Hey! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas! Look at you!" Sam chuckles and hugs her.

"I know, I'm growing more and more everyday!"

"You look beautiful.  You really are glowing."

"Aw Sam, thank you!  That's nice to hear because lately I haven't been feeling my most attractive." Jessica chuckles and runs her hand over her bump.

"Oh.. well you should be told everyday." Sam says, Jessica smiling and beginning to blush.

"Daddy!" Autumn ran to her father.

"Hi, beautiful!  Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, my love!  Oh!  Before I forget!  I have a gift for baby Simba."

"Aw Sammy!  Thank you!  We have something for Landon as well."

"Oh thank you!"

"I'll open it for him since he's not here yet." Jessica giggles.

"Oh my gosh!  A little Simba outfit!  Oh my gosh Sam, thank you!  I can't wait to see his cute chubby butt in it!"

"Mommy loves baby butts." Autumn says

Sam laughs and looks up to Jessica.

"Guilty!" She says with a funny smile.


Once Sam and Autumn left, Jessica went to the bedroom where Danny was playing video games.

"Honey, look at the gift Sam gave the baby!"

"Jess move, I'm playing a game!" Danny says leaning over to keep his eyes on the tv.

"Danny, look at it!" She smiles and sits beside him.

Danny sighs and tosses his controller down. "What?" He says with annoyance in his voice.

"Look!  A little Simba outfit!" Jessica wore a sweet smile on her face.

Danny looks at the tiny outfit and says, "Nice." He then turns his attention back to the television.

Jessica's feelings were hurt but she didn't speak up.  Instead, she sighed and went to put his outfit in his room.


"Look at all your little outfits all ready for you to wear!  Oh gosh, I cannot wait to meet you, little man!" Jessica speaks to her unborn son.

He responded with big kicks.

"Wow!  You are so strong!" She giggles.

Jessica then sat in her rocking chair.
Music playing softly in the background as she held her belly and slowly rocked back and forth.
"I get to be the one" by JJ Heller played.  A soft smile appearing on her face as she sang along.

"Well hello.
Little Baby.
Your eyes have never seen the sun
You should know
Little baby
That I am the lucky one
I get to be the one to hold your hand
I get to be the one.
Through birthdays and broken bones
I'll be there to watch you grow
I get to be the one."

Jessica was so happy to be having a brand new little baby to teach and love.

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