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In just two weeks the kids would be starting school.
Autumn is going into the 6th grade, Landon is going into kindergarten, and Julia is starting preschool.  Theodore will also be starting "School".  He's only two years old, but both Jessica and Sam feel sending him to daycare a few days out of the week would be good for him.  Theodore has a completely different personality than his older siblings.  Jessica felt she needed to push Theodore a bit more.  She wanted him to get used to being without her.  She also wants him to grow a thicker skin.  Being deaf, Jessica knows kids will tend to pick on him a bit more.  She wants him to be able to stand up for himself.

In the past few weeks Jessica has noticed Theodore has began to stutter.  She hoped this would help him.

Today they are shopping for school clothes.

"Aw Sam, look at these little pants for Teddy!"

"Those are too cute!"

"I know!  Ugh my little man!" Jessica pouts.

"Having second thoughts?"

"No.. I'm just sad.  It'll be hard."

"It's only Monday, Wednesday and Thursday though, momma.  Plus, he's gonna have so much fun!"

"I know.. it'll be harder on me than it is on him!"


"I'm not worried about Juju.  She's ready!"

"Oh I know!" Sam laughs.
"She's ready to teach the class!"

"Mhm! I'm just sad today!" Jessica pouts.

"Aw baby, don't be sad."

"All my babies are growing up..
  and Simba would be starting kindergarten this year.."

Sam walks over and wraps his arms around her.
"I should be buying his little clothes."

Sam didn't say a word.  He just tried his best to comfort her.

"But then if I had him, I wouldn't have Juju! I mean, maybe I would, but.. I don't know.. I'm just sad."

Sam rubs Jessica's back and kisses the top of her head.

"I hate it when you're sad."

"Me too!" Jessica looks up to Sam and cries.

"Aw baby girl! Don't cry!  He's in a much better place, love."

"I know.. I'm just selfish and want him here."

"You're not selfish!  You're just a damn good mommy!"

Jessica lifts her head and says, "You're right!  I am!"

Sam chuckles and kisses her forehead.


First day of school.

Everyone is running crazy this morning.
Julia is rushing everyone, Theodore is lazy, Landon is perfectly fine, Autumn has a hair dilemma, and baby Evangeline is super cranky!

"Mommy, I gonna be late hurry up!"

"Julia, stop moving so I can finish your hair!"


Jessica sighs and continues.

"Mommy, why the baby cry so much? I getting nanoyed wih her."

Jessica chuckled.
"She's just fussy because daddy's changing her diaper. She'll calm down soon."

"Hope so! OWWWW! Stop pulling it so hard!" Julia screams.

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