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That evening.

"Jessica I appreciate you wanting to help, but you have to think of yourself.  You're really pregnant." Sam looks down to her bulging belly.

Jessica chuckles and runs her hand over her bump.
"I'm a month away, I'm fine!  I just want to stay a while and help you out."

"Thank you, Jess.. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jessica smiles softly and takes his hand.
"You helped me, and now its my turn to return the favor."


Three days later.

Sam is still grieving, of course, but having Jessica and the girls there have definitely lifted his spirit.

"Sham!" Julia shouts.

"What, beautiful?"

"Baby n' mama's tum!" Julia rubs her stomach.

"I know!  You're gonna be a gig sister!  How exciting!"

"Me sissyyyy!" She hits her chest.

"Yeah!" Sam chuckles.

"Lunch is ready, guys!"

"Thank you, Jess!  Now this is the last meal you'll cook in this house.  I mean it!"

"Are you kicking me out?" Jessica pouts.

"No but you're way too pregnant for this!  You've helped me out SO much!  You really don't have to do this.  I want you to relax.  Just your company is enough."

Jessica smiles then says, "I'll fight you, Sammy!  I'm used to cooking at nine months pregnant, trust me!" She chuckles.
"I've had three babies with Danny and he doesn't like it when I don't cook!"

Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"But it's okay!  It's good exercise." Jessica giggles.

"You're pregnant, you need to rest."

"Daddy's right, mommy!" Autumn says.

"Oh I'm fine!  Now dig in!" Jessica smiles.


"Juju, don't put that in your mouth!  They my toys!" Landon laughs.

"My!  My!" Julia holds his toy to her chest.

"Nooo!  It's mine!  Daddyyyy!" Landon cries.
Lately even the smallest things upset him.

"What's the matter, buddy?"

"She said that's her toy and it's MINE!  Mommy gave it to me!" He sobs.

"Julia?  No ma'am, give it back!" Jessica says.

"Mama noooo!"

Jessica kneels down and speaks to her in a low but stern voice. "His mommy gave it to him, give it back.  It is not yours."

Julia pouted her bottom lip and gave her mother the saddest little eyes as she held the toy out to her.

"There you go!  Such a good girl!" Jessica smiles and rubs her back. "Thank you, Juju.
See Landon?  You got it back, buddy!"

"Thank you, Jessie.."

"You're welcome, baby."

"Yes but you need to learn to share, Landon.  Mommy likes for you to share, right?" Sam says.

"Yeah.. daddy, when's mommy coming home?"

Everyone froze when Landon asked that question.

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