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Jessica woke up and saw the doctor standing beside her.

"What.. what happened?" She whispered.

"You fainted.  How are you feeling?"

"A little light headed but I'm okay."

"Here Jess." A woman hands her something small to eat and drink.

"Thank you.  I'm sorry you guys."

"No, don't apologize!  Stay here for a while just so we can make sure you're okay.  We've called Danny and he's coming to pick you up."

"This is so embarrassing!"

"Don't be embarrassed, you've gone through a lot these past couple months."

"Yeah.. well thank you.."

Jessica then places her hand on her stomach and her eyes slightly widen.

A nurse quickly hands her the trashcan just in time.

"Oh shit.." Jessica cries softly.

She then leans back, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"You okay?"

"I'm better.. thank you."

"Jessica.. I know this is crazy and I don't mean to upset you anymore than you already are but.. is there a chance you could be pregnant?"

"How could you ask me that?! I just lost my son two and a half months ago!"

"I'm sorry, I was only asking.  I didn't want to upset you.. we can run some tests after you've rested."

"No! I just came back too soon. I need to be at home grieving my son, not here. I just want Danny to come get me, I want go home." Jessica says in tears.

"Okay, that's fine. I apologize."

Jessica sniffles and wipes her cheeks.
Just then Danny walked in.
When Jessica saw him she cried even more, holding her arms up for a hug.

"Aw Jessie.. baby, it's okay.." Danny sits beside her and holds her in his arms.

"Shh, shh.. you're gonna make yourself sick again."

"Please take me home."

"I will, honey.  Why don't you eat something before?"

"I'm not hungry.."

"Jess, come on, you've gotta eat, baby."

"I can't, I throw everything up."

Danny looks down and says, "You got sick the other day.. What's up?"

"It's just because I'm upset."

"You sure?"

Jessica lifts her head and gives him a look.

"Sorry. Here, just eat one bite. Please?"

"Fine.." Jessica groans.


All of the staff left Danny and Jessica alone while Jessica ate a bit and had something to drink.

Danny sat beside her, just watching.
He moved a piece of her hair and softly caressed her face.



"Can I ask you something?"


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