Mother of the Century

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"They'll be here in a few minutes.. let me get clothes for you girls."

Autumn followed her mother, holding Julia's hand and trying her best to keep her calm.

Danny heard them in the hall so he opened the door and threw Jessica's and the baby's things out before slamming it shut.

"Come on, girls.  What clothes do you want to wear?" She asks ignoring Danny.

"I'm okay with whatever.  What do you want to wear, Juju?"


"You want your princess dress, baby?"

"Ya!" She nods.

"Say please, Julia!" Autumn says.


Jessica giggles and get Julia's things.
She also had to pack things to keep her entertained.

Soon everything was ready and she and the girls walked downstairs.  Jessica kept a tight grip on the railing as she carried Julia and her bags.
Autumn wanted to help her mother out with more, but they were just too heavy for her.

The Uber driver saw this heavily pregnant woman and quickly jumped out to help her.

"Oh ma'am, you shouldn't be carrying all this!"

"It's okay, I'm fine!  Oh shoot!  I need her car seat." Jessica cries.

"Ma'am, it's okay!  Is it in the apartment? I have kids, I've installed plenty!" He smiles.

"No, it's in my car.  I think my keys are in the bag." Jessica says as yet another contraction hits her.

"You're in labor?"

"Yes!  My husband and I got in a fight and he won't take me to the hospital!" Jessica bawls.

"Oh my gosh!" The gentleman's heart broke for Jessica.

"Okay ma'am, listen.  You're okay, I'm gonna help you and get you girls there safely, okay?"

Jessica breathes deeply and nods her head.
"Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Now let's get the car seat and we'll head over!"

"Thank you so much!" Jessica sobs.

"It's not a problem, ma'am. Really."

Jessica sat in the car while he quickly put the car seat in.  After buckling Julia in they were off.

Jessica held onto the handle above her head as she moaned in pain.  She didn't want to scare her girls, but the contractions were now super intense and there was pretty much no time between them.

"Ohhhh!  Oh my gosh, this baby's coming!" She sobs.

"We're almost there, sweetheart, just breathe with me.  In.. and out.. innnn.. and out!"

Jessica breathed with him and soon calmed down.
"Thank you so much!  I'm sorry to put you under this much stress."

"No worries, ma'am!  I'm so sorry you're in this situation right now.  You seem like a lovely woman and you and your girls don't deserve to be treated this way."

Jessica nodded her head as she took a deep breath.

"My husband.. he's a great man.. I swear. He just has a temper."

"I don't want to get into your personal life, but ma'am.. this isn't just a temper. You deserve better."

Jessica looked at him then turned to look out the window.

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