Due Date

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Sunday, May 3rd.

Today is Jessica's due date. She's more than ready for her baby to be here!  This morning before the kids get up, Jessica is getting an early start on trying to get this baby out!

"Morning, guys! Heyyy! Mama, we playin' ball?"

"Heh! No, Juju."

"You sittin' on a ball! What you doin'?"

"I'm trying to get the baby out."

"Sitting on a bally is gonna make the baby come out?"

"Yep! Weird, huh?"

"Yeah, you're crazy! I want a banana!"

"Daddy is making you pancakes right now, I'm sure he'll cut up a banana for you if you ask nicely."

"I don't want it cut, I want it like yours!"

"Here, just have some of mine. I'm nice, I'll share."
Jessica holds her banana in front of Julia's face.

"Uh.. No thanks." Julia moves her head back, and makes a face.

"I want my own. Yours gots slobber on it."

"Oh my goodness, you're so dramatic!" Jessica laughs and takes a bite of her banana.


Later that day.

"Boo, you've been on that ball all day."

"Yes and your child is not taking the hint!" Jessica responds, bouncing up and down on her birthing ball while snaking on potato chips.

Sam chuckles and rubs her belly.
"Come on out, little squirt.  We're all ready for you!"

"We are!  All of our friends and family celebrated you at our baby shower the other day, and they all said they can't wait to meet you!  So come out and meet everyone!"

The baby then kicks the center of Jessica's belly really hard.


"That was a strong one!  I saw that!
You are one tough little baby!"

"Say yes I am, Daddy!" Jessica says in a baby voice, sticking her belly close to his face.

Sam chuckles and looks up to his beautiful girlfriend.

"I love you, gorgeous."

"I love you too, baby."

"Come on, the kids are asleep." Sam says taking Jessica's hand.

"This ones not." Jessica laughs and rubs her belly.

"Well maybe this will lull them to sleep." He smiles.

"Hm.. Maybe!" She smirks.

Sam chuckles. "Come on, pretty girl!"

"Can I finish my chips?"


"Hey!" Jessica laughs.

Sam takes the bag of chips from her and helps her up. "These salty chips are the reason this little baby is still awake."

Jessica just stares at Sam with pouted lips.
"I'm seriously so mad at you for taking away my chippy's."

"You are so cute!" Sam laughs.
"Come on! That's why your little feeties are all swollen!"

Jessica gasps. "Ass!"

"I'm sorry!" Sam chuckles.
"I'll feed you chips when we're done!"



"Well the baby is even more active, and I'm still hungry."

"But we had fun!" Sam smiles and softly strokes her belly.

"No, you did."

"Why are you so mean?" Sam chuckles.
"You didn't have fun?" He asks.

"No." Jessica laughs and shakes her head.

"I did not."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault.  I just feel too pregnant to be having sex.  Everything hurts.  Everything is so uncomfortable!"

"Aw.. I'm sorry, baby.  We have our doctors appointment tomorrow, so hopefully we'll get some good news!"

"I hope so.."

The next morning Sam and Jessica drove to the doctors office.

"Ugh!  I hate, Danny!" Jessica shouts as she tries scooting her seat back as much as possible.  Her belly was already touching the steering wheel.

"I hate him too.. but what made you say that right now?"

"He hurt you and you can't remember how to fucking drive!  The memory that you do have is not the best when it comes to directions.  And I just really really hate his guts."

"Oh.. I can try to drive."

"No!  Just sit there, Samuel!"

Sam then sits back and stays silent as Jessica begins driving.


After the doctors appointment.

Jessica slams the car door and sighs loudly.

"I am so sorry!" Sam says with fear in his eyes.

"No you're not."

"Hey, it's okay!"

"This baby is not even thinking of coming out!  My cervix couldn't be any more of a bitch, than she's being right now!"

"Well they said they couldn't induce you next Monday!" Sam smiles.

"Sam, please stop smiling."

Sam listens and stops smiling.

"Don't look at me!" Jessica pushes his face towards the window.

"Why are you mad at me, babe?  I didn't do anything!"

Jessica gives him a mean look.

"I'm sorry, I did!  I did!"

Jessica then lowers her head and starts crying.

"Honey, don't cry." Sam places his hand on Jessica's shoulder.

"I'm just scared of having such a big baby in there.."


"Because Simba was big!  He moved so much, and he hurt himself!  I just wish this baby would come already so I could hold them in my arms!  I just want them to be okay.  Why can't they induce me now?  I was induced at thirty eight weeks with Juju because I was terrified of losing her!" Jessica then begins sobbing loudly. "I just need them here now!"

"Honey, no.. don't get upset." Sam wraps his arms around Jessica.

"Everything is okay.  We saw the little buddy on the ultrasound, and they looked fine!"

"Sammy, Simba was fine too..  It just happened!  I need to have this baby as soon as possible.  I don't want the same thing to happen to him or her."

"Well there's this tea I read about.  Apparently it works really well!  Women drink it and go into labor that same night!"

Jessica then hits Sam in the chest. "Why are you just now telling me about this?!"

"Ow!  I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be interested!"

"Put your seatbelt on, we're going to find this tea!"

"Okay.. Woah!  Baby, calm down!  My seatbelt isn't even on yet!"

"I don't care!"

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