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After leaving Sam's, Sarah took Jessica back to her apartment. She gave her some water, and a snack, and Jessica was beginning to sober up.

Sarah was prepared to stay with Jessica tonight. She was so upset, and she didn't want to leave her alone.

"Married, Sarah. Sam is going to be married!"

"I know.."

"Why am I so upset?"

"..You still love him."

"Of course I love him.. but like you said, Sam and I are better off as friends.. maybe I'm upset because he has something I don't. He has someone to come home to after a long day.. Of course I have Autumn, and you know that little girl is my entire world. But.. Coming home to another adult.. being able to talk about your day.. to lay down side by side at night, and fall asleep in each other's arms. I want that so bad."

"Let me set you up with someone."

"I don't do blind dates, Sarah."

"See Jessica, that's the thing! You don't do blind dates, someone asks you out, you say you don't know enough about them! That's the point of a date, love."

"I know.. I am to blame for feeling this way, I know that.. I don't know why I'm like this, and I don't know how to change."

"You have to take risks.. if not, you'll never happy, Jess."

"I know..."



Jessica sat on the couch as Autumn played with her cousins.

"Looks like Autumn had a good Christmas!" Ann says sitting beside her.

"I think so." Jessica giggles, watching her daughter run around with laughter.

"She's so cute!"

"Thank you." Jessica smiles.

"Has she had her Christmas with Sam yet?"

"No not yet. He'll come for her tomorrow.. then he has her for the rest of the week."

"Oh nice. So you have some time to yourself, huh?"


"Any plans?"

"Oh not really.. I mean, an old friend from high school and I are having dinner, but that's about all I have planned."

"Fun! Who is it?"

"Nick McGee."

"Ooh Jess, he's hot!"

"Ann!" Jessica laughs.

"He is and I know for a fact, he had the biggest crush on you!"

"Yeah? And how do you know that?" Jessica laughs.

"Everyone knew! But you were so in love with Sam, you were blind to anyone else. Jess, I bet he knows you're single and that's why he asked you out!"

"It's just dinner!"

"Sure it is." Ann smirks.

Jessica laughs and throws a pillow at her.

"I want details, bitch."

"Whatever." Jessica rolls her eyes.

Ann laughs. "You need a date for Sam's wedding! Maybe it's him." She smiles.

"For one, Ann. I do not need a date. Second.. I'm not going."

"What?! Jess, I know he's your ex but, Sam Loves you! You're his best friend, he would be heartbroken if you weren't there!"

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