The truth

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Two weeks later.

"I love you.. Teo!" Julia signs.

"I love you too!" Autumn signs.

Theodore smiles and does his best to sign I love you.

"Good job, baby boy!  Now girls, you be good.  We'll be back later, okay?" Jessica says.

"Okay.  Is Theo gonna be okay, mom?" Autumn asks.

"Of course, honey!  It's a very simple procedure."

"Okay.. will you let us know when he's out?"

"I will, babe."

"Thank you!  Now give me kisses, baby brother."

Autumn kisses Theodore's cheeks and hugs him tightly.

"We love you so so much!  Be good and be strong, okay?" Autumn tears up.

"Aw sweetie, he'll be okay." Sam rubs her back.

"I know.. but he's a little baby!" Autumn looks up to her father in tears.

"I know, baby.  But he's strong.  Like his big sisters and his momma."

"Yeah." Autumn smiles.

Sam smiles and kisses her forehead. "Now, we better get going."

"Yes!  Come to mama, my handsome boy!" Jessica takes him from Autumn and gives him kisses.


"Mama's gonna hold your glasses, okay, love?"
Jessica takes Theodore's glasses off and sticks them in the case.

"Mama!" Theodore shouts.  Everything Theodore said lately was in a shout.  Not because he was mad, but because he couldn't hear.  He didn't realize he was shouting.

"It's okay, it's okay. Jessica says in a soothing voice as she rubs his back and kisses his temple.
Theodore hugged her and found comfort just being in her arms.

"There's my good boy!  It's okay, my handsome."

"He looks so cute in his little gown." Sam chuckles.

"I know!" Jessica giggles. "Let me get his picture!"

Jessica got close enough for him to see and signed, "Say cheese!"

"CHEEEESE!!" He smiles.

Jessica snaps the picture and giggles.
"Good boy!" She says as well as signs.

"Good boy!" She says as well as signs

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"He's so smart, Sam!"

"He sure is!  Good job, momma!" Sam places his hand on her back.

"Not just me, mister!  You had part in this too!  So good job!" Jessica giggles.

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