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As Jessica sat on Sam's lap and hugged him tightly, she thought about their life together and almost began to cry.
Luckily Evangeline saved her from shedding a tear.

"DADAAAAA!" The baby shouted.

Both Jessica and Sam laugh.
"She called you the entire time we were at the hospital!  If she was awake, she was calling Dada." Jessica chuckles.

"Aw, that's cute."

"Yeah.  Well let me get off of you so you can see what the little babe wants."

Jessica stands up, fixes her top, and she and Sam head for the kitchen.
"Someone called me?" He smiles.

"DADA!" Evangeline screams and reaches for her father.

Jessica takes the baby from her mother and moves her in front of Sam.
"Dada!  Dada!" Evangeline fusses as she leans towards him.

"I can hold her, Jess."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay.  Be careful, Evie!" Jessica says to her.

Evangeline grabs her father's cheeks and tries biting his face while she hums.
"Evie, what in the word are you doing, child?" Jessica laughs.


"She loves her daddy!  How sweet!
.. But baby girl, mama is here too!"

"Daaaaada!" Evangeline giggles.

"Fine!  Stay with daddy!" She says patting her on the butt.


Two weeks later.

"Okay kids, say goodnight to daddy. He's having surgery in the morning, so when you wake up, grandma and grandpa will be here to take care of you."

"Daddy gonna get his head back?" Julia asks sweetly.

Jessica laughs.
"Yes. Daddy is getting his head back!"

"Is him gonna remember me?"

"I remember you, Julia." Sam smiles.

"No! You no remember the name you call me, n' you no remember lots of things!"

"I know.. I'm sorry.."

"Just try!! It's not hard! I remember!"

"I am, Julia. I swear.."

"It takes time, baby. Don't worry. Now give kisses so we can all get to bed." Jessica says.

"Nigh nigh, dada." Theodore hugs Sam's leg.

"Night night, bud."

"Luh you, dada!"

"I love you too, Theo!"


"Muah!" Sam chuckles.

"Daddy, can I see your head in your belly?" Julia asks.

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