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Jessica returned to the table and Autumn ran over to pull Danny back to the dance floor.
Jessica chuckled and relaxed onto her chair.

"When are you due?" Sam asks.

Jessica's eyes widen. She then looks down and brushes her hand over her stomach.
"Can you tell already?"

"No, not at all! But I didn't think Danny would kiss your stomach if all that was in there was the pasta from dinner."

Jessica laughs. "No, he doesn't! I'm am pregnant."

"Congratulations!" Sam smiles and gives her a hug.

"Thank you! I'm only five weeks so.."

"This baby is going to grow big and strong! I'm happy for you, Jess!"

"Thank you, Sam." She smiles.

"I'm due in February so I'll be huge for Julia's first birthday!" Jessica covers her face.
"Oh gosh!  I wasn't expecting this at all!"

"But you'll be great! It's cool you're having your kids so close together. Megan and I have been trying as well."

"Aw really?! How exciting, Sam!"

"Yeah.." Sam smiles softly.

"Well I hope it happens soon, friend."

"Me too!  You know I've always wanted a bunch of kids!" He chuckles.

"I do!  You said you were going to keep me barefoot and pregnant!" Jessica laughs.

"Well I may not have done it, but you always seem to be pregnant!" He chuckles.

"Yeah!  Jesus Christ, help me." Jessica laughs and rubs her forehead.


September 1st.
14 weeks and 1 day pregnant.

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school.  I don't know anybody."

"Autumn Rae, you are the most outgoing, beautiful, sweet and smartest girl I know!  You won't have a problem making new friends!"

"I just want to go to my old school.."

"I know, baby.. I'm sorry." Jessica says moving a piece of her hair out of her face.

"I know you're gonna have a great day, baby."

"I'll try." Autumn shrugs.

Jessica giggles and kisses her cheek.

"I'll miss you, Juju and baby."

"Aw sweetie, you'll see us tonight!" Jessica smiles.

"I'll still miss you.." Autumn placed her hand on Jessica's bump and rubs it softly.

"I'll tell you what, baby.  After school I'll take you for a special treat.  Is that fun?"

"Yeah!" She smiles. "Can we have pizza?!"

"Whatever you want, baby girl!"

"Yay!  Thank you, mommy!" Autumn hugs Jessica tightly.

"You're welcome, baby girl!"


As promised, Jessica picked Autumn up from school and took her out for pizza.

"Mommy I made so many new friends at school today!"

"Baby girl, I knew you would!  Every person who meets Autumn Shepard wants to be her friend!" Jessica smiles.

Autumn laughs and takes a bite of her pizza.

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