-vampires and werewolves

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You had your suitcase in your hand as you walked out of the Salvatore home, your home.

"I can't believe your leaving!" Caroline ran into your arms crying.

"I know she's leaving us!" Bonnie and Elena joined the group hug. You were going to miss them so much the four of y'all have been bestfriends since the age of five.

"Be careful out there little sis" Damon told you messing up your hair. You were Damon and Stephans younger sister, you were also a vampire.

"Aww little Salvatore's leaving" Stephan hugged you fake crying.

"Okay, okay quit it" you giggled pushing him away.

"I'm going to miss my idiot brothers" you told Damon and Stephan before hugging them again. The girls joining in the hug too.

"Bye" you told everyone getting into your car and driving to your destination.

Beacon Hills

You had settled into your house this weekend, that you may or not have compelled the owner to give you. But now today was your first day at your new school.

I know what your thinking school? Yeah well you may be 138 years old but you were turned by that asshole Klaus when you were 17. So you decided to give high school another go, try to fit in and make some friends.

You walked into your class and set beside this boy with dark brown hair, honey eyes and a plaid shirt on.

"Hey I'm Stiles" he leaned over and introduced himself.

"Y/N" you smiled at him.

At lunch you met his friends, you were on high alert the entire lunch because right when you set down you could tell there was at least one werewolf at the table by the smell.

Lucky for you Bonnie made you a perfume to spray were they couldn't smell that you were a vampire.

One month later

You had been in Beacon Hills for a month and you actually really liked it here. You weren't caught up in any supernatural drama like you were in Mystical Falls- which was amazing.

"We should hangout tonight" Stiles mentioned at lunch.

"Alright" Or "sures" were thrown out by the group.

"My place?" You asked them and everyone agreed.

It was later that night and everyone was in the living room watching a movie when you heard the doorbell go off.

"Bet she compelled her way into getting this house" You heard the voice of your oldest brother say and you squealed.

"You good?" Lydia asked you laughing.

"Yeah I'm-" actually no, no you weren't. Your Mystical Falls friends were here who were Vampires then you had your new friends who were Werewolf's this is about to end so bad.

"I smell vampire" you heard Scott whisper to Stiles who nodded.

"Is that werewolf in there?" Ya head Elena's voice whisper. You opened the door and saw them and were about to invite them in when.

"Werewolves!" Damon yelled his veins under his eyes showing.

"Vampires!" Scott yelled back his eyes changing colors.

"Your friends with werewolves?!" Carolina asked you.

"You can't say nothing Care, we are friends with Tyler- who let me remind you is a werewolf" you scoffed.

"Well Lockwood knows if he lays a finger on my little sister I will rip his throat out" Damn snarled.

"What the hell y/n! Vampires!" Lydia yelled at you.

"What's wrong with vampires?!" You challenged crossing your arms.

"There dumb night walkers, all vampires should be killed. But don't worry we can take care of that" Derek challenge towards Damon.

Your eyes started changing into a yellow tint and your veins under your eyes showing now.

You walked towards Derek and pushed your hand into his chest wrapping his around his heart giving it a light squeeze. Everyone gasped but you could feel the smirk on the faces of you true friends.

"Say that again" you challenge him squeezing it tighter and tighter until...

"I'm sorry" he gasped as you pulled your hand out and licked the blood of your fingertips.

"Now get out of my house before I kill all of you in .6 seconds and you better hope they don't kill you when you go to leave" you snarled at then watching them retreat from your home.

Vampires 1
Werewolves 0

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