-big bad werewolf hunter

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"An innocent person is dead Derek and it's our fault" Scott yelled at him.

"It's my fault" Derek told him looking at the ground

"We need help" Scott told him

"We have Isaac now" Derek said glancing at the boy.

"I mean real help" Scott said making Isaac look offended.

"They're too fast for us, all of us. Too strong, too rabid" He explained.

"We'll catch em" Derek told him.

"But killing them isn't the right thing to do" Scott tried to reason.

"What if it's the only thing to do? If we can't even catch them what else do we do?" Isaac asked the two.

"Find someone who knows what their doing, we need a werewolf hunter" Scott told them.

"Oh yeah like who?" Derek crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh! My girlfriend Y/n she's a werewolf hunter" Isaac said proudly.

"Isaac you mean to tell me you- a werewolf- having been dating this girl Y/n- who hunts werewolves- for a year?" Derek looked at the boy confused.

"Yep, now lets go see my baby" Isaac said happily walking to the car, making the other two send a questioning look.

Y/n set on her couch wearing a unicorn onesie watching Sponge bob on tv.

She was watching it when she heard her doorbell go off

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She was watching it when she heard her doorbell go off. She walked over to the door to see her boyfriend Isaac standing there with two boys behind him.

"Isaac!" She said before running to wrap her arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Aww look at my baby, your too cute in your onesie. God I love you" Isaac said placing her on the ground looking at her making her smile giddily.

"This teenage girl in a unicorn onesie is our big bad werewolf hunter?" The older man asked amused.

Y/n reached into her outfit pulling out a dagger and throwing it into his shoulder.

"How's that for a hunter wolfie?" Y/n taunted making him throw his hands up in defense after removing the dagger. "Now Lahey what do you want?"

"I need your help catching two rabid werewolves"

"Okay let me go change" Y/n told him before walked up the stairs and changing into this...

She walked down the stairs grabbing her phone of the couch before walking out the door, "Yall coming?"

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She walked down the stairs grabbing her phone of the couch before walking out the door, "Yall coming?"

"Uh yeah" Isaac said walking out the door with the other two behind them before they got into Y/ns car but she made Isaac drive so she could get her stuff together.

"So can we kill em?" Y/n asked looking at the two in the backseat.

"No" Scott told her making her mumbled 'damn it' under her breathe, which made Isaac smile at her.

"Okay how did this happen really confused how a werewolf and a hunter are together" Derek said pointing at the two.

"I was walking through the woods when I heard someone behind me making me turn around then I saw a person standing there with a hood over her head. She took the hood off and I was like shit shes beautiful I cant hurt her, yeah she didnt think the same and threw a dagger into my stomach" Isaac explained making Y/n squeeze his hand as a sorry while the boys laughed at him.

"Of course I didnt realize how cute you were! You had fangs and yellow eyes! Then when you went back to your normal self- Wait stop the car!" Y/n yelled and he stopped it.

Y/n jumped out the car to come face to face with two rabid werewolves. She reached into her bag pulling out this ball thing throwing it on the ground before it blew up making them not able to see. She kicked her leg up hearing the sound of Boyds jaw breaking before doing the same but to Coras back hearing her fall to the ground with the crunch of her spine breaking.

"Whats going on?" Scott asked but he couldnt see since she threw that thing on the ground that blinded werewolves.

"I dont know!" Isaac yelled back.

The boys set in the car blind and confused, Isaac was worried his girlfriend would be hurt during this. After about 20 minutes of hearing the screames, grunts, and grawls of the three fighting the smoke finally started to clear as the sun rose.

Isaac ran out the car and around it as Scott did the same while Derek just opened the door. The three boys stood their in amazement as Y/n stood with Cora in her left hand and Boyd in her right holding the up by the back of thier shirt.

"I think these two belong to you" She said before throwing them on the ground in front of Derek. "Now Isaac take me home I have more Sponge bob to watch" Y/n told her boyfriend before getting to the passenger seat and shutting the door.

"Your girlfriend confuses me" Scott told Isaac.

"Yeah one second shes wearing a unicorn onesie then throws a dagger into my shouler. Then she comes out here and takes down two wolves I when I couldnt take down one, now she wants go home and watch Sponge bob?" Derek said confused but Isaac just had a huge smile on his face.

"Yep thats my baby, God I love her" He told them before climbing into the driver seat.

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