-the subjects

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Y/n had been working at this hospital for a year now since her pack went missing, she decided she wanted to help people, like the pack helped her. Give them there medicine, comfort them and try to help get rid of the pain.

When her pack went missing, her alpha- Scott, her friends- Lydia, Liam, Malia, Liam, Kira, Isaac, Jackson, the twins, Derek and Peter. Even her human boyfriend or now ex boyfriend, since she-sadly- assumed they were dead, Stiles had disappeared. It took a huge toll on the girl considering they were the only family she had since her parents died when she was 14.

"Y/n" The girl looked up from the clipboard in her hand to see her boss standing there with keys in her hand. "Will you lock up tonight?"

"Yeah, I got it" Y/n smiled before putting up her clipboard and grabbing the keys from the older woman's hand telling her good night as she walked out of the door.

She walked around the building cleaning up, checking on the patients one last time, telling them goodnight before she stumbled upon a door she had never been in before. This door was only for the top doctors, she had never been allowed in.

The huge grey door held a big read sign which read the word Caution in big bold letters. She looked down the hallways to make sure no one was coming even though she knew she was the only one here at this time of night. Her hand reach for the door handle when a growl came from the other side making her jump back and fall straight onto her butt with a small scream.

Y/n quickly stood up grabbing the keys before running out of the building, before locking the front door and driving home in a hurry.

"Hey I can lock up again tonight if you want"

Y/n promised herself last night she would go into the room today, she decided to do it for her pack. What if it was a scared werewolf? Or what if it was hurt? She could use what Scott had taught her.

"Thank you Y/n" Her boss smiled thankfully handing her the keys before telling her good night and heading out the main doors.

Y/n put her clipboard down and wasted no time in heading to the door. She stood outside the huge grey door taking a deep breathe to calm her raging nerves. Her shaking hand reach the door handle pulling it open slowly walking in before slowly shutting the door behind her.

She patted the wall with her hand looking for a light switch when she hit her hand on a table were she put the keys before finding the switch a flicked it on letting her eye adjust. She looked at the table were she set the keys and saw vanilla folders underneath them. She picked up the one on top that read,

Subject 46, McCall
True Alpha

Does not care about his own physical pain but is very protective over his friends. Seems to care about Subject 53 the most.

She threw the folder on the table and turned around to see a bunch of cells. She ran over to the first one to see Peter asleep on the ground, the one across from him Derek was there. Every cage after that held her pack, her family- it held everyone she thought she had lost and now she was going to get them back.

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