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Y/n was walking down the street with her boyfriend Brett when she saw her lab partner Liam and his friends sitting at a table.

"I'll be right back, I need to ask Liam for the notes from Chemistry yesterday" Y/n told Brett kissing his cheek before walking over to the group.

"Hey Liam and juniors" Y/n giggled waving at Liam and the older high schoolers.

"Oh uh h-hi y/n" Liam stuttered.

"So... I was wondering if I broke up with Brett would you got out with me and like we could get married and stuff. Because honestly I love you Liam so will you?" Liam zones out and didn't even realize he was dating dreaming.

"Yes! Yes! Oh my god yes!" Liam said making the pack look at him a smirk and an amused face.

"Wow umm I didn't know you would be so excited about giving me the chem notes tomorrow" Y/n said looking taken back by his outburst.

"Wait what?" He stuttered shaking his head.

"Thanks again" Y/n smiled before walking back to Brett who wrapped and arm around her waist before pecking her lips.

"What just happened?" Lydia asked him laughing.

"I was daydreaming I guess, I thought she asked me out" Liam told them bummed out.

"Sorry dude but shes taken" Scott said patting his shoulder.

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