-our story

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"I want people to tell their chidren stories about the crazy things we did for love"

The pack set on the couch in the McCall living room, finally taking a breather after all the supernatural stuff finally supsided- for now that is.

"Are yall going to tell your kids our stories?" Lydia asked making Y/n choke on her water she was drinking causing Scott and Kira to pat her on the back.

"You good?" Scott asked her after her coughing and choking fit.

"Yeah I heard the word 'kids' and almost had a heart attack" She explained making them laugh.

"But for real are yall going to tell them?" Lydia asked.

"I am, I want my kids to know how badass their mom is. How at the age of nine I lost my entire family in a car crash, lived with a pack of coyotes most my life then met a group of weirdo supernatural freaks who became my family" Malia explained.

"Yes then I will have to explain to our children, no your mother is not crazy nor is she doing drugs" Scott said making everyone laugh while Malia threw a pillow at him.

"Im going to tell my kids, for sure. But not my story, not the story of a little girl who had a breathing condition, became a werewolf and fell in love with a fellow beta" Y/n smiled at the pack "No Im going to tell them the story of the boy who got bite by a werewolf, his best freind who is human never leaving his side once even when most would have ran for the hills; Ill tell them thats what true friendship is" The two boys smiled at each other.

"Ill tell them the story of the girl who pretend to be dumb when she was incredibly smart. The one who thought she was just going crazy from hearing voices but turned out to save more lives then I could ever count. Ill tell them never pretend to be someone your not, becuase once your become the real you thats when you will do incredible things" Lydia smiled at the young girl.

"I will tell the story of the hunter who died for the people she loved, her family. Ill mention how she went against her family by bloods rules to fall in love with a werewolf, to befriend a pack of wolves and other supernatural creatures. The girl who gave up everything including her life for the people she loved more than she ever could her own mother and father. Ill tell my kids that family isnt about who has the same genetics or dna, family is whatever you make it" Y/n smiled sadly at the thought of her bestfriend she had lost not too long ago.

"Ill tell them the story of all the crazy things we did for love" Y/n finished her mini speech with a soft smiled.

"And I would do it all again" Lydia smiled at the pack grabbing Stiles had before he brought it to his lips kissing it.

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