-shes evil

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It was a shock to everyone when the arrogant rich boy Jackson Whittemore at the beginning of ninth grade year started dating the super sweet girl Y/n Y/l/n instead of  popular girl Lydia Martin. Everyone doubted thier relationship thinking it would only last a week but now its the beginning of Senior year and its starting off with the happy couple walking in hand-in-hand.

"Why wont Lydia notice me?" Stiles mumbled to his best friend not caring if Lydia heard him since she was standing with the rest of the pack less than a foot away.

"Shes a little busy" Scott pointed to the strawberry blonde girl who was staring at the brunette boy who was leaning against a row of lockers with a smile on his face listening to Y/n talk to him about something.

"Why wont Jackson notice me?" Lydia mumbled turning to face the pack with a sulking face.

"Why dont you pay attention to each other" Scott pushed Stiles to Lydia making everyone laugh.

"Alright lets settle this, Stiles Lydia isnt paying attention to you becuase she trying to Jackson to pay attention to her. Lydia Jackson isnt pay attention to you becuase he has and always will only have eyes for the h/c standing infront of him" Malia explained bluntly not caring.

"I just dont think Y/n is as nice as she seems, like she is evil. Im pretty sure he niceness is fake" Lydia grumbled.

"Well shes walking this way so lets find out" Isaac pointed to the couple they had been talking about that was now headed thier away.

"Stilinski, McCall" Jackson said looking them up and down.

"Hi Jackson" Lydia winked at him making Jackson roll his eyes and kiss Y/n on the side of her head making the girl blush.

"Hi Im Y/n I dont think Ive met any of you before" She smiled sweetley at them as they waved back shooting her a smile minus Lydia who was judging her.

"Anyways I was just coming over to tell, Lydi is it?" She asked looking at the strawberry blonde who nodded her head with a bored look on her face. "I really like your shirt" Y/n complimented the girl.

"Why are so nice?" Lydia asked with attitude, narrowing her eyes.

"Watch it Martin" Jackson threatened.

"Its okay" She told Jackson squeezing his hand before turning back to the girl showing her that sweet smile that rarely ever left her face. "I try to be nice to everyone becuase you never know what they could be going through. Now if you dont mind I really dont want to be late for  French, its my favorite" Y/n giggled before turning on her heel walking down the hallway still holding Jacksons hand.

"Yes the girl who never stopped smiling, complimented your shirt and loves French class is so evil" Allison rolled her eyes walking down hallway with the rest of the pack living the girl alone.

"So she can act so what?! Shes still evil!!" Lydia yelled down the hallway.

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