-devenford prep vs beacon hills

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Y/n was going to the lacrosse game tonight, always went since her best friend Brett played and tonight they were play Beacon Hills. She was really exctied because that was the school her boyfriend of 2 years, Liam had moved to and she hadnt been able to see him in person since he moved 3 months ago. They still messaged and Facetimed but it just wasnt the same.

Y/n set on the bus next to Brett, her leg bouncing with excitment as she looked out the window while her eyes filled with nothing but pure joy. She let out a loud squel with they pulled into the parking lot making everyone shoot her a look of annoyance while Brett just smiled and laughed at his best friends excitment.

When the bus parked her eyes darted between the door, the field, and the back of thr bus where her bag was. Brett watched her eyes dart and he could see her trying to decide what to do so she put his hand on her shoulder making her look at him with a smile on his face.

"Go. Ill get your bag if you tell lover boy we're gonna kick Beacon Hills ass tonighy" He laughed. Y/n nodded her head before jumping up from her seat rushing past the players trying to ger thier bags and the coach who was trying to get off the bus.

Her eyes scanned over the crowded feild until they landed on him sitting on the bleachers with who assumed was his friends and a girl with raven hair standing infront of him twirling her hair. Y/n walked over there slowly, listening to the conversation.

"So Liam you and me should go on a date after the game" She said smiling.

"Liam didnt you mention you had a girl friend?" A strawberry blonde asked him as he nodded proudly making Y/n smile "He has a girlfriend Hayden" The girl told 'Hayden' with a fake smile.

"Well I dont see her" Hayden said smugly and thats when Y/n walked up, standing behind her.

"Then turn around" Y/n said crossing her arms giving her an innocent smile "Now you see her"

Hayden looked Y/n up and down before looking back at her face with a smirk, "I dont see much"

Y/n reached up grabing a handful of her raven hair pulling her lips to her ear, "Leave before I make you leave" She threatened making Hayden stand up fixing her hair while rolling her eyes walking away.

Y/n turned around to her boyfriend and his friends, "Hi im Y/n" She smiled at his friends.

"I love her already, Im Malia" This girl said standing up wrapping her arm around Y/ns shoulders "Your my new bestfriend if you like it or not" She said making Y/n laugh.

"Hey Li" Y/n said before hugging him "I missed you" she hugged him tighter inhaling his scent making her close her eyes in content.

"I miss you more beautiful" He told her before placing his finger under he chin making Y/n look at him before bringing his lips to her in a sweet passionate kiss.

They pulled apart resting thier forheads together smiling, "I have to tell you something" Y/n said making Liam pull his head back to look at her.

"What is it?" He asked kinda worried and concered.

"Brett wanted me to tell you that we're gonna kick yalls ass tonight" Y/n smiled at him giggling making him laugh while admirng how cute she looked.

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