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I leaned against the wall as Issac trapped the noguistune fly in a jar when Stiles fainted.

"Really?" I asked annoyed rolling my eyes, but secretly I was hoping all he did was faint and that he was okay.

"What?" Lydia asked you with an annoyed look on her face.

"Why did he have to faint? like it's really an inconvenience" I smirked.

"Why do you have to be such a cold hearted bitch?" She snapped back. I took an intimidating step towards her. I would never hit Lydia I do care about her we just butt heads a lot.

"I think what you should be saying is thank you, I've saved your ass more times than you count" I shot back crossing my arms.

"Ugh what happened?" Stiles groaned sitting up. 'Thank god he is okay' I thought to myself.

"You fainted dumbass" I snorted.

"When are you going to stop being so damn rude" He glared at me.

"I'll stop being rude when you stop breathing" I propped my foot up against the wall behind me.

"Well maybe I'll just do you a favor then" he grabbed a knife from the floor holding it against his neck.

"Stiles stop!" Everyone yelled at him.

I snickered, "Be careful we don't want the little baby to cut his self" I teased.

He started pressing down with the knife dragging it a little against his neck, blood dripping down.

I ran over to him getting on my knees ripping the knife out of his hand and throwing it across the room. I ripped a bottom piece of my shirt holding it to his wound.

"Are you insane?!" I yelled at him.

"Why did you stop me? Why do you care if I kill myself? You don't care about me, or any of us" he snapped at me.

"That's a fucking lie Stiles, I care about you all so much" I mumbled.

"Then why do you act so cold?!" Malia asked me crossing her arms.

"Because everyone I've ever cared about gets hurt and I didn't want to loose y'all too" I told them tears pooling in my eyes as I looked at the ground.

I grabbed Stiles hand making him hold the fabric against his neck, I picked up my book bag before walking to the door.

"I gotta go" I told them before slamming the door and walking out.

I got into my car and drove until I saw the Now Leaving Beacon Hills sign. I couldn't stay there or they would get hurt so I have to leave, for them.

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