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Y/n and Stiles had been dating for a little more than a year, like every couple they had one thing they did that no one else did. One the same day Stiles asked Y/n out he had bought her a lavender candle, their favorite. So then for the next year when Y/n knew stiles was coming over she would light the candle then at the end of the night before he left or they went to bed they would blow the candle out together. It was a little wierd but it was their thing and no one could blow it out alone because if they didnt it would signify the end of the relationship.

Y/n walked into the living room wearing a pair of black spandex with Stiles lacrosse practice jersy which went down to her mid-thigh. She stood infront of the table picking up the match and lit the big lavender candle letting the smell fill the air of the small room until she heard the doorbell going off.

"You look beautiful as always" Stiles told her before givng her a kiss making her blush, it amazed Y/n how even after more than a year he could still make her blush.

"Thank you, you look okay I guess" She joked making Stiles toss her on the couch tickling her.

"Say you have the hottest and best boyfriend ever" He told her making her squirm under his hands before she finally got the words out from laughing too hard.

"I hate you" Y/n laughed trying to catch her breathe.

"Well too bad because I lo-" He began but was cut off by his phone making them both sigh. Stiles pulled his phone out with an annoyed look on his face until he saw the caller ID then smiled.

"Hey" He answered and held a finger to Y/n saying 'hold on'

And hour later of Y/n sitting on the couch listening to Stiles hushed whispers and loud laughter he was finally off the phone and back into the room.

"Seems like you and Malia have gotten pretty close" Y/n rolled her eyes playing with the grey fuzzy blanket that was laying on top of her.

"Whats that suppose to mean?" Stiles asked defensivley.

"I mean yall have gotten close like Ive never seen you ditch me to talk on the phone when we hang out, you only do it when its Malia" Y/n pointed out.

"I only do it when its-" Y/n cut Stiles off.

"If you say important I swear to god I will rip your throat out with my teeth" Y/n threatened. "You blocked Scott that one time he needed your help finding a runaway Liam, now that was important and you said spending time with me was better. I dont know what you and Malia was talking about that was so important but it was obviously pretty damn funny too"

"You cant be serious" Stiles laughed running a hand through his hair.

"I am! How would you feel if I left you for an hour to go talk to Isaac"

"Wow of course you had to bring him into this" Stiles laughed dryly again.

"Whats that suppose to mean?" Y/n pushed the blanket off of her and stood up.

"Its obvious you have feeling for Isaac" Stiles told her

"I dont, If I did I wouldnt be in a relationship with you" Y/n defended making Stiles laugh again.

"That doesnt mean anything, I have feeling for Malia but in a relationship with you for the sex" The moment those words left his mouth Stiles covered his mouth and looked like a deer in headlights. "Y/n-"

"Get out" Y/n calmly told him looking at the ground.

"Y/n/n" He tried again but you shook your head. "Baby listen-"

"Dont call me that, get the hell out of my house Stiles" She yelled at him before he walked to the door and opened.

He turned around to look at her one last time to see her with tears streaming down her face as she blew out the candle before falling onto the couch clutching the grey blanket to her chest.

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