-void y/n

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You were walking down the hallway in your house when you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head with black dots clouding your vision until everything went completely black.

You woke up trying to move, only to realize you were tied to a chair with duct tape on your mouth. You looked around to see you were in an abandoned building.

You looked in front of you to see your boyfriend, Stiles sitting against the wall playing with his hands. You started screaming his name as tears poured down your face.

"Y/N is that you?" He asked you standing up and walking to you, you nodded as he place his hands on your cheeks.

He removed your duct tape, "St-Stiles what's going on? I-I'm so scared, please take me home. I-I just-" you sobbed.

"Hey it's okay, I got you" Stiles comforted you removing your restraints.

You stood up rubbing your wrist before laughing, "really Stiles all I gotta do is shed a few tears"

He looked at you confused until he saw your eyes were no longer the beautiful e/c they once were they were solid black.

"Guys!" Stiles screamed to the pack. They all ran in as you threw stiles against the wall knocking his out.

Derek ran at you but you grabbed his shirt slamming his face against a table before throwing him against the wall, knocking him out too.

"This isn't you y/n" Alison told you shaking her head.

"It is now" you smiled evilly at her walking towards them as the sheriff and Alison's dad walked in.

The oldest Argent pointed a gun at you. "Put the gun down dad!" Alison yelled at him.

"Pull the trigger" you calmly told him.

"Put the gun down now!" Sheriff yelled at him.

"Shoot me" you told him, completely calm.

You took a step towards him as he grip on the gun tightened. "Shoot me!" You screamed this time.

"Put the gun down! Please!" Lydia told him.

"I said shoot-" you screamed until you felt a pain in your heart.

"Y/N" The Pack screamed your name.

You started shaking a lot when you fell to your knees and stopped moving. You just stared at the them when your face started cracking.

"Y/N?" Alison asked as she sniffled.

You fell to the ground when your body just turned to dust.

"Y/N?!" Stiles screamed for you as he woke up.

"What the hell was that?" Derek asked standing up, rubbing his head.

"That wasn't Y/N" Scott said shocked.

"That means she's still alive and we need to find her" Stiles told them standing up and walking to the door.

He stopped at the door way and turned around, "y'all coming or what?"

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